First Sat of the month? Let's go see how much overtime #NYPD is paying itself to ensure some religious nonces can say their rosaries outside a doctor's clinic. #NYC #AbortionClinicDefence #AbortionClinic
The troops gather. The zipties are for us - if we get out of control. These police are not here to protect the people going to the clinic #abortiondefence #NYPD #NYC #AbortionClinic
They're saying the rosary. We're singing Sing Abortion Sing Abortion Our Bodies Our Choice. We're Louder.
I turned around at one point and spoke loudly about babies buried in septic tanks and women forced into servitude in laundries as their babies were torn away from them by the Catholic church. It evoked a reaction from this nun. Irish skin can't disguise a reddener. #AbortionClinicDefense #NYC
@urbanfoxe ..wondering are they even real nuns?
@itsdd2 who knows? they march around from the church but there's a few different uniforms.
@urbanfoxe just not sure nuns in general have a tendency to get their eyebrows done ?
@itsdd2 it's NYC.. the dogs have their eyebrows done... @urbanfoxe