“Watching Some Like it Hot as a lost, little, neuroqueer seemed to be telling me that the rules were there to be broken!”
This week I explore transgression of gender and desire in Some Like it Hot, you can read more here
@aisling_walsh love the movie, love your piece
@bcmorr thank you so much Barbara, it's a classic that really has stood the test of time!!
@aisling_walsh @actuallyautistic
Have you seen Blade Runner 2049? K's journey from the hard-working 'constant K' to a breakdown through discovery of his own origins and that of his kind, the abuse he receives as a replicant in a human society, his only solace the contact with his simulated girlfriend and finally finding his 'tribe' all feel like very important themes to anyone #neurodivergent
@fosstian I actually haven't seen it! I thought the original was overrated so I didn't bother with the second but maybe I should give it a shot?
@aisling_walsh it's quite a different vibe from the first one - I'd say it's worth giving it a shot!
@fosstian I will definitely! The Matrix is another movie which feels terribly resonant to the neurodivergent experience!