If anybody is interested in the Irish language, https://www.canuint.ie, a repository of Irish dialects, launched last Friday. The aim of the project is to make a collection of regional Irish language dialects from the RTÉ Archives available to the public. It includes 200 recordings from twelve counties. The recordings are beautifully mapped and many have transcriptions. It's an amazing resource.
@bullivant That's great news!
Well done to everybody involved, listed here:
@bullivant I like the Irish way of appreciating everyone and everything all the time. Pure kindness.
@theappletree There's an old Irish saying: "Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine" which means "People live in each other’s shadows."
@bullivant Please explain!
@theappletree Shadow from the sun. We protect each other. We need to help each other to get along. No man is an island.
Wonderful. I didn't know that yet. During my year in Sligo, I would have loved to learn Irish, but although I am an ok student of the languages, I found it quite difficult. I realised that I would need a teacher who I could ask anything because it was completely different to any other language I had learnt before. I couldn't learn it with an online programme, for example. Maybe one day I'll get another chance. In any case, thank you for spreading the word about the Irish language!