1/ Someone just gave me a #Roland #Juno106 this week - they just wanted it to go to a loving home, as it had belonged to a friend who had passed. I promised to keep it and love it and play it.
Ok - faulty power supply, with dried-out caps and one lifted off the board. Cracked solder joints around the transistors. Fixed and rebuilt with a bit of thermal paste for good measure.
2/ Next up - dead battery. Fitted that and reloaded factory patches. All the tact switches are filthy as are the sliders. Replaced the lot and cleaned all sliders. Now, it’s fully working with the exception of three of the six voices. This is down to the 80017A potted thick-film VCA/VCF modules failing - they’re a weak spot in the Junos. There’s a set from Analogue Renaissance on order from the awesome Madisynths, which should get here Tuesday.
@cooties There's a "Translate" button under your post. I'm laughin' here.