Ursula Le Guin on life before Roe vs Wade… From her book of essays Words Are My Matter @bookstodon #feminism #abortion #BeingAWoman
@sinabhfuil @bookstodon It is no mystery why cultures that value the opinions of women are more successful than those that work like hell to stifle them. And it just highlights that for all the moral blather and religious justifications . . . it's all about power and how to make sure half the population doesn't have any.
@sinabhfuil @bookstodon Long ago, my upstairs neighbor Dolores used to be her typist/assistant. And (not because of that, just remembering decades gone by) I remember those days. I sent the story of my dear friend Christine (RIP) to Sen. Susan Collins along with a wire hanger last year.
The Princess
"Once upon a time, long, long ago, in the Dark Ages, there was a princess … She went to a college for training female royalty, and there, at the associated college for training male royalty, she met a prince … Although the princess was on the Honors List and the prince was a graduate student, they were remarkably ignorant about some things …This was long ago, remember, in the Dark Ages, before sex was obligatory, before the Pill…"
@sinabhfuil @bookstodon I was born in 1949, a year after my sister. Mom said I was surprise and born into family who only wanted two children (brother born 6 six years earlier). She said she doesn't know if she would have had an abortion if it was available, but being wife of an officer, you don't get to choose. Me? I've always been extreme pro choice person. It's sole right of the woman to abortion with no restrictions by anyone or any law.
@sinabhfuil @bookstodon I love this, and I loved her longer piece too, which told how without the ability for this abortion the children she *did* have later, and loved, would never have existed.
@sinabhfuil @bookstodon
Stand up for women against fundamentalist Islamists and fundamentalist Christians who would take away their rights and capacity to make their own decisions about their bodies and lives. Society hasn’t made all these advances for us to throw women under the bus again.