1001 Other Albums<p><strong>Love – Love (1966, US)</strong></p><p>As randomly chosen by survey[1] on Mastodon, our next spotlight is on number 1043 on <a href="https://1001otheralbums.com/the-list/" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">The List</a>, submitted by mark_ohe.</p><p>As I had mentioned in our last couple <a href="https://1001otheralbums.com/?s=spaceace+sunday" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">SpaceAce Sundays</a>, after I had finished <a href="https://1001otheralbums.com/index/" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">indexing</a> The List, I discovered that, of the ~1035 albums we had thus far included, none had been released in 1966. When I tooted “was no one pressing records in 1966?”, some lovely Mastodonians promptly named 16 albums from that year that were worthy of adding to The List. This one, Love’s self-titled debut, is one such album.</p><p>And how! I was hooked by the music from track 1, a grin-inducing cover of Burt Bacharach’s “My Little Red Book” (a cover which fans of the film <em>High Fidelity</em> may recognize[2]). By the second track, I had to read more about the fabulous singer, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Lee_(musician)" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Arthur Lee</a>. And by the time I got to the amazing “Signed D.C.” in the middle of side 2, I realized I hadn’t been listening to the album loud enough, and had to restart the album. Given the album cover and that font, I did not expect essentially a proto-punk album. Love it! And if you give it a spin, I bet you’ll love Love’s <em>Love</em> too!</p><ul><li><a href="https://album.link/i/268498692" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Songlink: Love – <em>Love</em></a></li><li><a href="https://www.discogs.com/master/6247-Love-Love" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Discogs: Love – <em>Love</em></a></li></ul><ol><li>The survey choices that initially led to this spotlight were “I’m not a human, I’m a dove”, “I’m your conscience, I am love”, “All I really need”, and “Is to know that you believe”, following surveys that had “I’m not a woman, I’m not a man”/“I am something that you’ll never understand”/“I’ll never beat you, I never lie”/“And if you’re evil I’ll forgive you by and by cuz”, “You, I would die 4 U, yeah”/”Darling, if you want me to”/”You, I would die 4 U”, “I’m not your lover, I’m not your friend”/“I am something that you’ll never comprehend”/“No need to worry, no need to cry”/“I’m your messiah and you’re the reason why” and “You’re just a sinner, I am told”/“Be your fire when you’re cold”/“Make you happy when you’re sad”/“Make you good when you are bad”. The second option was the winning selection, and so the survey result was translated as picking an album in The List that contained a word in the phrase – in this case, “love”. Usually that would mean I pick the second album in the list with the word, but since there’s a LOT of love in The List, I went with the one that had it twice. The weird thing is, when I was writing this spotlight, “When Doves Cry” came on. So, I think Prince approved of my choice. ↩︎</li><li>Two other Love tracks appear in the movie, from their 1969 <em>Four Sail</em> album: “Always See Your Face” and “Your Friend and Mine”. ↩︎</li></ol><p><a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://1001otheralbums.com/tag/1960s/" target="_blank">#1960s</a> <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://1001otheralbums.com/tag/arthur-lee/" target="_blank">#ArthurLee</a> <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://1001otheralbums.com/tag/folk-rock/" target="_blank">#folkRock</a> <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://1001otheralbums.com/tag/garage-rock/" target="_blank">#garageRock</a> <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://1001otheralbums.com/tag/love/" target="_blank">#Love</a> <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://1001otheralbums.com/tag/protopunk/" target="_blank">#protopunk</a> <a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" class="hashtag u-tag u-category" href="https://1001otheralbums.com/tag/psychedelic-rock/" target="_blank">#psychedelicRock</a></p>