Uncle Sam Wants You to Recover Energy Materials from Wastewater https://hackaday.com/2024/11/30/uncle-sam-wants-you-to-recover-energy-materials-from-wastewater/ #AdvancedResearchProjectsAgency-Energy #USDepartmentofEnergy #wastewatertreatment #materialseparation #materialrecovery #greenhacks #ARPA-E #grants #mining #USDOE #News
Uncle Sam Wants You to Recover Energy Materials from Wastewater - The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (AR... - https://hackaday.com/2024/11/30/uncle-sam-wants-you-to-recover-energy-materials-from-wastewater/ #advancedresearchprojectsagency-energy #usdepartmentofenergy #wastewatertreatment #materialseparation #materialrecovery #greenhacks #arpa-e #grants #mining #usdoe #news
Good article but it's the photos that grabbed me as the story is well known to techies. I do remember having to sign off on the ARPA part of the Internet years ago. Thankfully that's no longer needed.
Many thanks to the #ApacheSoftwareFoundation for their recent post on #ApacheTika!
Also, of course, many thanks to #DARPA and #ARPA-H for funding #AIxCC and welcoming Tika as a challenge repo.
$40 million for new "ceramic brain" solid state batteries
#solidstate #batteries #evbattery #evbatteries #startups #ARPA #DARPA #energystorage #evs #electricvehicles #electriccars #investors #investing #greeneconomy #zeroemission #electrification #transportation #mobilitysolutions
$40 million for new "ceramic brain" solid state batteries
#solidstate #batteries #evbattery #evbatteries #startups #ARPA #DARPA #energystorage #evs #electricvehicles #electriccars #investors #investing #greeneconomy #zeroemission #electrification #transportation #mobilitysolutions
Let’s take a look a PM10 pollution in Torino in the last 19 years.
Here we have the day of the year in each row and the year in each column. The values of the left matrix are the mean concentration of PM10 in that day where green means low and purple super high concentration.
The right matrix indicates whether the daily limit of 50µg/m3 of PM10 was exceeded (black) or not (white).
According to regulations (2008/EC/50 e D.Lgs. 155/2010), this daily limit must not be exceeded for more than 35 days per year. Despite ongoing improvements, Turin has consistently failed to meet this standard over the past 19 years.
In 2023 for example, this limit was exceeded 45 times. In previous years was even higher with, reaching a peak in 2006 with 218 days above the limits.
The bulk of emissions occur in winter when heating-related combustions are at their peak.
A painful true poem about the history of transportation projects, "The Facts of Art" by Natalie Diaz.
Chicago spent less than $160 million on a host of programs including affordable housing, mental health, violence prevention, youth job programs and help for unhoused Chicagoans through Dec. 31, 2023, according to reports to the federal government. #covid #arpa #finance #chicago https://news.wttw.com/2024/02/12/just-29-federal-covid-19-relief-funds-meant-transform-chicago-have-been-spent-data
Today 55 years ago the modern world began.
#MotherOfAllDemos #DougEngelbart #DouglasEngelbart #Engelbart #BillEnglish #ARPA #AugmentingHumanIntellect #IntelligenceAmplification #IA #ManComputerSymbiosis #Mouse #ComputerMouse #HyperMedia #HyperText #ComputerGraphics #PersonalComputing #PersonalComputer
#ComputerHistory #ComputingHistory #History
On his way out the door, retiring #Vallejo City Manager directs $1.5 million in #ARPA covid relief money to bonuses for city workers. https://openvallejo.org/2023/11/24/vallejo-to-use-1-5-million-in-covid-relief-for-staff-bonuses/
La presidente di #Arpa #Lombardia è una negazionista della #crisi_climatica. E pensa che Fontana sia un bell'uomo.
Anchorage Nonprofit Directors Indicted for Stealing $1.6 million in COVID Recovery Funds
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The defendants allegedly set up scheme to take millions through grants and federally backed loans.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – An Anchorage couple has been indicted by a federal grand jury...
#fraud #anchorage #mavaega #fualema #arpa #covid #indictment #transformations
Autonomous truck platoons are a bust, but they work if you put them on rails - Enlarge / No, this is not a screen grab from the movie Logan. It's Para... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1967349 #autonomoustrains #parallelsystems #cargotrains #trucking #arpa-e #trains #cars
Chiediamo a questo punto #Wikipedia #Italia dove ha trovato la fantomatica #stazione #meteo di #Brescia #centro, ignota persino all'#ARPA e descritta solo in una loro voce della quale gli hobbisti chiedono rettifica da un decennio