#Aerotelegraph - Kaum Angebot von Air Senegal: Armee übernimmt Inlandsstrecken im Senegal - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/armee-uebernimmt-inlandsstrecken-im-senegal #AirSenegal #Airlines #Afrika #Airbus #armee #C295

#Aerotelegraph - Kaum Angebot von Air Senegal: Armee übernimmt Inlandsstrecken im Senegal - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/armee-uebernimmt-inlandsstrecken-im-senegal #AirSenegal #Airlines #Afrika #Airbus #armee #C295
#Aerotelegraph - HB-IHF : Hier wird der erste Airbus A350 von Edelweiss in Zürich begrüßt - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/hier-kommt-der-erste-airbus-a350-von-edelweiss-in-zuerich-an #FlughafenZürich #AirbusA350 #Edelweiss #Airlines #Galerie #HB-IHF
Life after NDC - The Business Travel Magazine | NDC OneOrder https://zurl.co/siee0 #travel #airlines #traveltrade #travelindustry #hotels #carrental #tourism #TravelIndustry #TourOperators #TravelAgency
#Aerotelegraph - Sevenair: Schon wieder Ärger um die Inlandsflüge zwischen Süden und Norden von Portugal - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/schon-wieder-aerger-um-die-inlandsfluege-zwischen-suedenund-norden-von-portugal #DornierDo228 #Airlines #Portugal #Sevenair
Flight attendant uniforms are usually hella stylish, so of course there's a collection of them on the web! Come look and marvel!
#Aerotelegraph - Unsicherheit: Wie Trumps Politik Delta, Southwest und Co. den Start ins Jahr vermiest - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/wie-trumps-politik-delta-southwest-und-co-den-start-ins-jahr-vermiest #SouthwestAirlines #AmericanAirlines #UnitedAirlines #DeltaAirLines #DonaldTrump #Airlines #USA
#Aerotelegraph - Boeing 787-9 für Lufthansa: Gibt es bald zwei Lothansa-Dreamliner? - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/gibt-es-bald-zwei-lothansa-dreamliner #lot_polish_airlines #Boeing787-9 #Dreamliner #Lufthansa #Airlines #Boeing
CRAZY New First Class from Lufthansa - YouTube https://zurl.co/YDiWG #travel #airlines #traveltrade #travelindustry #hotels #carrental #tourism #TravelIndustry #TourOperators
#Aerotelegraph - Restrukturierung: Tunisair soll neue Flugzeuge bekommen - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/tunisair-soll-neue-flugzeuge-bekommen #Airlines #tunesien #tunisair
When all of the internet suddenly realizes #Southwest is a trash airline but you stayed loyal to #United all along.
The status line starts back there, bitches. Waaaaay back there.
> Consumer confidence is unsettled and companies are waiting to see how things shake out. While companies wait, they are booking fewer seats.
> Delta expects revenue to be down $500 million -- or 4% less than it anticipated this quarter
Major US airlines warn demand is slowing
> Each of the major U.S. airlines has put out guidance pointing to significant economic uncertainty that is directly affecting their domestic bookings this spring.
> Bookings initially fell after the deadly Jan. 29 midair crash over D.C.
https://abcnews.go.com/Business/major-us-airlines-warn-demand-slowing/story?id=119687875 #TradeWar #Tariffs #DonaldTrump #MAGA #economy #airlines #aviation
(Which carrier is it??) World’s Longest Flight Just Got Even Longer! - YouTube https://zurl.co/d5wTY #airlines #air #travel #tourism
#Aerotelegraph - Neue Lackierung: So sehen die Flugzeuge von Korean Air künftig aus - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/so-sehen-die-flugzeuge-von-korean-air-kuenftig-aus #KoreanAir #Airlines #Südkorea #Galerie #korea
Southwest Airlines said Tuesday that it will begin charging customers a fee to check bags, abandoning a decades-long practice that executives had described last fall as key to differentiating the budget carrier from its rivals.
#airlines the bright lights on @bloomberg just said what I have been saying for years: charge for the overhead bin and carryons, one checked bag in the hold should be FREE. User experience, safety, speed, reduce friction.
And anyone I’ve ever asked in #aviation says, yes, this will work. #ux
#Aerotelegraph - Flug von Air India: Plastiktüten, Lappen und Kleider verstopfen Toiletten – Flug muss nach fünf Stunden umkehren - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/plastiktueten-lappen-und-kleider-verstopfen-toiletten-flug-muss-nach-fuenf-stunden-umkehren #FlughafenChicago-O’Hare #flugzeugtoilette #Boeing777 #Airlines #AirIndia
#Aerotelegraph - Auf Boeing 787: Erster Blick auf die neue Lackierung von Korean Air - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/erster-blick-auf-die-neue-lackierung-von-korean-air #Lackierung #KoreanAir #Airlines #korea
#Aerotelegraph - Scat Airlines: Scat Airlines will Kasachstan mit München verbinden - https://www.aerotelegraph.com/scat-airlines-will-kasachstan-mit-muenchen-verbinden #FlughafenMünchen #ScatAirlines #Kasachstan #AirAstana #Airlines