Have y'all downloaded this app yet?
The Legend of Zelda live-action movie now has a full release date, as Nintendo uses its swanky new app to reveal something directly
Have y'all downloaded this app yet?
The Legend of Zelda live-action movie now has a full release date, as Nintendo uses its swanky new app to reveal something directly
#cycling #running #fitness
“It looks like #Garmin has had enough of simply acting as a conduit and wants to be viewed as a standalone #app by more users”
#Garmin releases new paid-for version of Connect to rival #Strava, but promises free version 'is not going away' https://www.cyclingweekly.com/news/garmin-releases-new-paid-for-version-of-connect-to-rival-strava-but-promises-free-version-is-not-going-away
The first trial of generative AI therapy shows it might help with depression - The first clinical trial of a therapy bot that uses generative AI suggests it was as eff... - https://www.technologyreview.com/2025/03/28/1114001/the-first-trial-of-generative-ai-therapy-shows-it-might-help-with-depression/ #artificialintelligence #app
How a bankruptcy judge can stop a genetic privacy disaster - Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: A tech company accumulates a ton of user data, ... - https://www.technologyreview.com/2025/03/28/1113911/how-a-bankruptcy-judge-can-stop-a-genetic-privacy-disaster/ #opinion #policy #app
This Week in Self-Hosted (28 March 2025)
@stalwartlabs grants, software updates and launches, a spotlight on #Posteria -- a #Plex poster management interface, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!
Jami team is pleased to introduce the new version of Jami: Εἰρήνη.
As you'll discover, this release brings remarkable advances from months of silent work, sure to delight loyal Jami users and newcomers after the announcement of Skype's shutdown.
We invite you to update and try the latest version of Jami!
Want to know more about Εἰρήνη? Read our article : https://jami.net/eirene-to-make-new-user-onboarding-simple-and-intuitive/
“The #Signal #leak was never about an #app. It was a diagnostic stain, exposing the rot festering beneath the Mythic US’s #veneer of #democracy and #law. The fleeting obsession with #encryption #protocols and personnel errors encapsulated the farce: a society expertly trained by its #distraction #machine to fixate on trivialities while the Operational US – the militarist-oligarchic core – wages #illegal #wars with #psychopathic #impunity”
“Spare” living human bodies might provide us with organs for transplantation - This week, MIT Technology Review published a piece on bodyoids—living bodies that cannot... - https://www.technologyreview.com/2025/03/28/1113923/spare-living-human-bodies-might-provide-organs/ #biotechnologyandhealth #thecheckup #app
What is Signal? The messaging app, explained. - MIT Technology Review Explains: Let our writers untangle the complex, messy world of tec... - https://www.technologyreview.com/2025/03/27/1113919/what-is-signal-the-messaging-app-explained/ #mittechnologyreviewexplains #policy #app
Anthropic can now track the bizarre inner workings of a large language model - The AI firm Anthropic has developed a way to peer inside a large language model a... - https://www.technologyreview.com/2025/03/27/1113916/anthropic-can-now-track-the-bizarre-inner-workings-of-a-large-language-model/ #artificialintelligence #app
And/or we don't have a #smartphone at all and only use a #laptop/PC, or so.
There is also a long standing forum thread about this: https://community.signalusers.org/t/remove-the-need-for-a-mobile-phone/1543
For me, if my client needs to see the #Android or #iOS #app again, it would be "over and out" and I would not be able to use #signal any more. This is kind of #discriminattion against people without Android or iOS, and not #inclusive.
@opensourceopenmind @Mer__edith @signalapp @purism @PINE64 @furilabs @postmarketOS @volla @ubports @mobian
»Auto gehackt - Sicherheitsrisiko Auto-App – wenn Hacker den Tesla kapern:
Sicherheitsexperten konnten mithilfe geleakter Daten Autos öffnen, starten und wegfahren. Einfallstor waren Auto-Apps.«
Hach ja, dass Cybersecurity auch schon lange Autofahrer betrifft, wollen anscheinend viele noch nicht wahrhaben. Apps sind öfters zur Aushorchung entwickelt und nicht für moderne Sicherheit.
So, I am trying to use the PeerTube app and this happens when I try to watch a video.
Thorium still works just fine.
How to save a glacier - Glaciers generally move so slowly you can’t see their progress with the naked eye. (Thei... - https://www.technologyreview.com/2025/03/27/1113864/how-to-save-a-glacier/ #climatechangeandenergy #thespark #app
Inside a romance scam compound—and how people get tricked into being there - Heading north in the dark, the only way Gavesh could try to track his progress th... - https://www.technologyreview.com/2025/03/27/1113782/scam-compound-meta-facebook-pig-butchering-wechat/ #thebigstory #business #app
So we've widdled down this #app #showdown between #Markdown #editors for #Android.
In the end I'm prioritizing ease of use, design and aesthetics. But you can't ignore what's pragmatic. Between #QuillPad and #OpenNote, I'd want QuillPad - but I need Open Note.
QuillPad has tags, which is a nice to have - but not really all that important to me.
In the end Open Note wins out, because of its info screen that counts words used - but also, the document outline.
For now, I think this is it.
@norberteder Prima
Die #ios #kalender #app taugt bei uns in der Familie. Hat #android nicht auch eine Kalender App dabei? Dann bist du doch schon fertig!?
Am I not seeing it or is there really no way to way to see the global timeline in the official #Pixelfded #app?
Aus der Fußverkehrsstrategie der Bundesregierung:
"Auch digitale Schulwegplaner leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag, indem sie kinderfreundliche und sichere Routen für den täglichen Schulweg identifizieren. Diese Planer berücksichtigen Gefahrenstellen wie unübersichtliche Kreuzungen und schlecht beleuchtete Straßen."
Warum Wege sicher machen und Straßen ausreichend beleuchten, wenn man auch einfach eine #App bauen kann, die dir sagen kann, wo es unsicher ist ...