This is BIG if this actually gets through/implemented, even if it'll be limited in the EU (cos then other big markets can pressure #Apple to implement the same).
It's always been mind boggling how Apple get to ensure an artificial "monopoly" by limiting the #iPhone to only "work best" with their own digital services (i.e. #AirDrop) and hardware (i.e. #AirPods, #AppleWatch) by (malicious) design.
I imagine this change is also exactly what third-party services (alternatives) like #KDEConnect would need to have feature parity on #iOS with their same app on #Android.
Nine specific iOS connectivity features were highlighted by the commission as needing to be made accessible to device manufacturers and app developers
Apple will need to allow an iPhone user to use an alternative to AirDrop when sending a picture to an Android user, and vice versa
Among the other features that must be made available include iOS notifications, background executions, automatic audio switching and automatic WiFi connections as well as high-bandwidth peer-to-peer WiFi connectionsRE: