Today in Labor History February 8, 1962: French National Police opened fire on a large demonstration in the Charonne massacre. Supporters of Algerian liberation and unionists were protesting the OAS, a right-wing paramilitary fighting against Algerian liberation fighters. 9 people died, all members of the CGT union. This came in the wake of the October, 1961 massacre, when French National Police, under orders from Nazi collaborator, Maurice Papon, opened fire on 30,000 supporters of Algerian independence. The French government acknowledged that they killed 50 people. However, some historians believe that 200-300 Algerians died. In 1998, the authorities convicted Papon of Crimes Against Humanity for his collaboration with the Vichy government. During the trial, they established that the 1961 massacre was deliberate. The graffiti in the image reads: Here we drown Algerians.
Today in Labor History February 8, 1962: French National Police opened fire on a large demonstration in the Charonne massacre. Supporters of Algerian liberation and unionists were protesting the OAS, a right-wing paramilitary fighting against Algerian liberation fighters. 9 people died, all members of the CGT union. This came in the wake of the October, 1961 massacre, when French National Police, under orders from Nazi collaborator, Maurice Papon, opened fire on 30,000 supporters of Algerian independence. The French government acknowledged that they killed 50 people. However, some historians believe that 200-300 Algerians died. In 1998, the authorities convicted Papon of Crimes Against Humanity for his collaboration with the Vichy government. During the trial, they established that the 1961 massacre was deliberate.
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C'Est bientôt la fête des pères et on a plein d'idées cadeau à vous proposer. Alors venez flâner chez nous, vous repartirez satisfait...
alivrouvert #charonne #librairieindependante #paris11 #vitrine #fetedesperes #selectionlivres #sport #actu #jardinage #musique #cinéma #histoire
#GiletsJaunes #Acte65 #Paris
L’Etat policier a mis les petits plats sans les grands pour l’anniversaire de #Charonne.
La France n’est pas le pays des droits de l’homme mais celui de la déclaration du même nom.
Et elle se torche avec...