Were Christians targeted in Syria’s deadly crackdown? https://www.byteseu.com/823799/ #ChristianCulture #Christianity #Conflicts #history #PersecutedChristians #Syria
Were Christians targeted in Syria’s deadly crackdown? https://www.byteseu.com/823799/ #ChristianCulture #Christianity #Conflicts #history #PersecutedChristians #Syria
The #ThreeMagi: Unraveling the history and symbolism behind the iconic figures who visited the infant #Jesus. This post explores their Zoroastrian roots, misconceptions, and their cultural significance in Christian tradition:
The iconic image of #Jesus' birth in a stable may not reflect historical reality. Archaeological evidence suggests Jesus was likely born in a lower-level space within a family home or a cave, common in first-century Judea. Here is some further background information about the historical context:
Saint #NicholasOfMyra – you may also know him as #SantaClaus – was a 4th-century bishop known for his #generosity and #miracles. His legends inspired traditions like gift-giving and #charity Discover the life of this saint and the many legends that shaped his legacy:
#MartinOfTours, a #Roman soldier turned bishop, is celebrated today for his acts of #charity and #humility. His cloak-sharing story, raising of the dead, and confrontations with evil spirits have inspired #Christian devotion for centuries. Here is short overview of his life and legacy:
The #RoodScreen, a #medieval architectural element, symbolized the divide between clergy and laity in Christian churches. I found it fascinating to explore how researching the #history of such an architectural element can illuminate a broader social, theological, and cultural dynamics within an era's society
Here is a brief summary of what I have been able to find out so far:
We are once again entering the time of year where we get to listen to people telling us that we shouldn't be offended by our workplace celebrating Christmas, or by the fact that Christmas is a federal holiday, because "Christmas is secular."
If you think that, _please_ read this column: https://www.askamanager.org/2019/12/is-it-ok-to-put-up-a-christmas-tree-at-work.html
#ChristianHegemony #ChristianCulture #intolerance
#Cologne's historical role as a religious hub in central #Europe and the #HolyRomanEmpire is epitomized by its twelve #RomanesqueChurches, each a witnessing the city's spiritual, architectural, and cultural legacy over the centuries. Here is a brief overview of these churches in their historical context:
The rediscovered #Christian baptistery in #Cologne (6th c.) offers a rare glimpse into the architectural and liturgical practices of #EarlyChristianity northern Europe. The baptismal basin at its heart is one of the oldest Christian #relics north of the Alps. I was lucky to visit the site during the #DayOfTheOpenMonument in 2024. Here are some impressions and a brief overview of the history of the baptistery:
From #Slacktivist...
"The vulgar expression of Trump’s racism [...] is something Moore is right to criticize, but the vulgarity isn’t the biggest problem there. [...]
In Simpsons terms, the important thing about 'Hi-diddly-ho, neighbor!' is not the 'Hi-diddly-ho,' but the 'neighbor.' That’s the difference between #MAGA #evangelicals and Ned Flanders.
Ned views and greets everyone he encounters as his neighbor."
12/20 Jürgen Gadow: Der Berg des Unheils
#MiddleAge #Friendship #Solidarity #Loyalty #Trust #Slavery #YoungReaders #IslamicCulture #ChristianCulture #War #Education #Strangers #Enemies #Prejudice #Tolerance #Hybris #PowerGreed
Book Challenge: 20 books that have had an impact on who you are. One book a day for 20 days. No (or only very short) explanations, no reviews, just the title and the book covers. Don't forget the alt text.
#20books #20books20days #20Bücher #BooksThatInfluencedYou #Books #BookChallengeMupan #MediaMupan
@lesekreis @bookstodon@a.gup.pe @bookstodon@fedigroups.social @buchstodon @democracy @books @biodiversity
It's been a minute since I've posted some #Slacktivist on here.
"What does 'missionally aligned' mean? No one knows. No one is able to know, because it could change at any moment. And when it changes, you must change[.] [...]
So just to be extra safe, they busy themselves directing the leopards’ attention to other peoples faces. They become informers, suck-ups, toadies, narcs."
Fred's receipts and/or prompt for the first post.
TL;DR - A Brazilian musician declared that the apocalypse will occur in the next five to ten years.
Then one of the others on stage was quick to grab the mic and add, "I won't let it happen because we will bang the apocalypse."
(Assume that "bang" means "stop" or "end." Or, as a wise man once said, "Cancelling the apocalypse.")
Some light(-ish) reading for the weekend.
More from #Slacktivist...
"It is [...] the Bad Guys who want to see the world destroyed. The rest of us, you see, like the world. We grew up there. It’s where all our friends live and where all of our favorite restaurants are. [...]
So if you are cheering for the end of everywhere and everyone the rest of us have ever loved, that does, unambiguously, make you the Bad Guy in any story."
In which #Slacktivist (a.k.a., Fred Clark) discusses the (mis)translation of #Bible scripture.
" 'The wicked man' is a literal translation of the name given to this 'ominously archetypal figure' the Gospels describe. But I think a more colloquial translation using 20th-century slang might better communicate the full meaning[...]..
He’s 'The Man.' As in the way that Shaft and Cool Hand Luke and Heavenly Blues all used that term."
More from Fred Clark, a.k.a. #Slacktivist.
"1) ‘The Great Dechurching’ explores America’s religious exodus.'
2) 'Sweeping study finds 1,000 cases of sexual abuse in Swiss Catholic Church since mid-20th century'
[You've] read these stories before.
'America’s religious exodus' is obviously and inextricably tied up with the massive, global, transdenominational scandal of clergy sex abuse and cover-up. How could it not be?"
More from Fred Clark, a.k.a. #Slacktivist, over at #Patheos.
TL;DR (quote):
"At the simplest level, this is the lesson #MisterRogers taught us: That you are precious and special and infinitely loved. And that so is everyone else."
Slightly longer version:
*cracks knuckles, opens #Bible* "'So anyway, in the book of Amos..."
Rachel Martin (of #NPR) interviews Jon Ward, journalist and the author of "Testimony: Inside the #Evangelical Movement That Failed a Generation"
Quote (Ward's):
"A lot of evangelicals I knew personally and some public figures were the type that were repulsed by #Trump. [...] There was a process of resignation, then rationalization and then once it was #Republican versus #Democrat the political identities snapped into place."