"Why don't I have grandchildren???"
— boomer whose death cult eagerly tries to hasten the end of the world
#Christianity Is No Joke - But It IS a Game
Here, we talk about how Christianity and the #Bible basically outlines the rules of one big game. Is this really a good thing, though?
CHRISTIANS will HATE this COMEDY SKIT | Welcome To Evangelical Christianity! #comedy #exvangelical
CHRISTIANS will HATE this COMEDY SKIT | Welcome To Evangelical Christianity! #comedy #exvangelical
@forestine I can't find the post, but did you write something the other day about community not having to be "in person?" I liked that. I've signed off Facebook which houses my old "in-person" community of church people who I haven't seen in 15+ years. I am in community in Discord and on the fediverse, but it's people I've never met. I've been blogging about #Exvangelical books and the last chapter of these always talk about finding new community and if the only way we can do it is online, it should not be discounted. Thanks.
Why #Deconstructing From #Evangelical #Christianity Is SO Important and SO Difficult
#deconstructingchristianity #exvangelical #exchristian
This is a short clip from a full episode of The Kayse Melone Show. Here, I talk about why I think #Deconstruction from Evangelical #Fundamentalist Christianity is so important. Also, what happens after we go through Deconstruction?
Oooooh I almost came out to my mom tonight via text (she's Deaf & I'm GenX so neither of us uses our phone as a phone).
I think I gave her enough hints that "the talk" she's been trying to avoid for decades is gonna have to happen soon.
Y'know that old canard about how you start out as a young progressive hippie and over time as you get older you become more conservative?
That *totally didn't happen* for me. I've been on the exact opposite journey.
And I'm ready to tear down the whole fucking establishment.
Gee, I wonder what my Young Evangelical Republican self would think of me now?!
#blog #minimalism #exvangelical https://jaredwhite.com/20250302/hippie-roots
Are you really even #exvangelical if you haven’t judged your PK* friend in your heart because you’ve read through the bible numerous times and they haven’t done it even once?
*pastor’s kid
One of the biggest bummers of the decade is millions of Christian’s finally escaping the clutches of a toxic Christianity, only to have the Government / country be taken over by the same toxic cult. #exvangelical #christianity #maga #cult
Man, I'm so glad I grew up in a city where it was a little weird to be an evangelical. I could have taken a very different path if that culture had been more difficult to fall out of.
@Paxil @intransitivelie @noiseician
Decades and decades in the making. I used to have to recite this pledge to the Christian flag every week in the 80s and 90s. It escalated dramatically since then.
"I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Saviour for whose Kingdom it stands; one Saviour, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe."
“Christian nationalists do not see other Christians as valid, and instead see & treat their fellow siblings in Christ as enemy combatants. A common courtesy of shared faith is not extended. Fundamentalists and nationalists do not believe they worship the same god, and they are comfortable enforcing their view of God on people through governance.” —@brchastain #ChristianNationalism #Exvangelical
Christian Writer Who Claimed LGBTQ+ People Are 'Grooming' Kids Arrested For Child Molestation—Because Of Course
"In addition to his writing career, if it can be called that, he has also worked as a coach and teacher at Rocky Bayou Christian School in Crestview, Florida."
30 years ago when I came out to my oldest brother, he was about to be deployed as a chaplain to a Marine battalion. He wrote me back telling me that his heart was heavy - I needed to repent of my homosexuality.
Monday, this former fundamentalist preacher sat on my couch and bemoaned all the "old, white, straight snowflakes" currently running the country who get "butt hurt at the slightest mention of accomplishments of the BIPOC community or women."
Love won.
Believing the #Christian #Creation Story is Actually True is Just Like Believing the #Earth is Flat
#kenham #atheist #exvangelical #deconstruction #agnostic #science #myths
White xtian nationalists love the Constitution the same way that they love the Bible: as a convenient old-timey document to unscrupulously comb through for evidence to support whatever they've been told to believe (which is supposedly derived from said document, but really comes from a handful of 20th-century evangelical leaders like James Dobson and Phyllis Schlafly).
#evangelical #exvangelical #whitechristiannationalism #trump #fascism #cognitivedissonace #logicalfallacy