#Listening to Nafqot, a dubby jazz track by 21st century French fusion band Arat Kilo;
I love this!
#Listening to Nafqot, a dubby jazz track by 21st century French fusion band Arat Kilo;
I love this!
General Fusion fires up its newest steampunk fusion reactor
The reactor, called Lawson Machine 26 (LM26), is General Fusion’s latest iteration in a string of devices that have tested various parts of its unique approach.
who could have guessed #chemtrails could rescue us.
thanks for posting!
(p.s., what we really need is a very cheap power breakthrough -- read #fusion, as all of the energy generation models that underlie these projections are based on current tech)
Bei den Sondierungen wird über einen #Fusionsreaktor gesprochen.
Aber wir haben doch schon #Fusion vom #Balkon!
Und schon 13056 Mitzeichnungen auf unserer Petition!
Daher teilen, teilen, teilen.
Lars Bartkuhn — The Gift
@Lapizistik Natürlich nicht. #ITER dient der #Grundlagenforschung, und es geht dabei vorallem darum jene Technologie zu verstehen.
Vorallem wenn wir nichtmals ansatzweise #Solar & #Wind-Potenziale angezapft haben...
@flugarzt Also ich fände es super, wenn die #EU den ersten #Fusionsreaktor produktiv bekäme. Die ideale Ergänzung zu PV und vermutlich einer der großen Bestandteile der zukünftigen #Energiewirtschaft und Technologievorherrschaft.
#Fusionsreaktor #fusion #cdu #merz #wissenschaft
Ihr diskutiert hier noch? Der ist doch längst startklar:
Und wenn wir erst die KI verwenden, kommen noch bessere Sachen raus:
"You're Under Arrest" by #MilesDavis.
Possibly an underrated album. Starts w/some funky stuff, #Zappa-esque both in music and vocals. Melodic stuff follows. Good stuff. Obvious 80s sounds everywhere w/modern beat section dominating and Miles just playing along.
Good nevertheless.
Should I Stay Or Should I Go | Scary Pockets (cover)
"Fusion for Energy, in collaboration with the AMW consortium consisting of Ansaldo Nucleare, Westinghouse and Walter Tosto, has completed the manufacturing of the second European sector of the Vacuum Vessel for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor.
The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor's (ITER's) plasma chamber, or vacuum vessel, houses the fusion reactions and acts as a first safety containment barrier. With an interior volume of 1400 cubic metres, it will be formed from nine wedge-shaped steel sectors that measure more than 14 metres in height and weigh 440 tonnes. The ITER vacuum vessel, once assembled, will have an outer diameter of 19.4 metres, a height of 11.4 metres, and weigh approximately 5200 tonnes. With the subsequent installation of in-vessel components such as the blanket and the divertor, the vacuum vessel will weigh 8500 tonnes.
Each vacuum vessel sector is manufactured in four segments, requiring more than 1.6 kilometres of welding for assembly. Maintaining precise tolerances of less than a few millimetres ensures the seamless integration of internal components, which demands advanced forming and welding technologies.
The fabrication of the vacuum vessel sectors is shared between Europe (five sectors) and South Korea (four sectors). Initially, South Korea was tasked with producing two vacuum vessel sectors under its agreement with the ITER Organization. However, in 2016, an additional agreement was made to produce two more sectors originally assigned to the EU.
Starting with the delivery of the first sector in 2020 and the final one in November last year, South Korea completed four sectors, fulfilling its commitment to this significant international project.
The manufacture of the first of five vacuum vessel sectors under the responsibility of Fusion for Energy (F4E) - the ITER Organisation's European domestic agency - was completed in Italy in September and subsequently delivered to the construction site.
Europe completes second sector
During a ceremony held on 5 March at Walter Tosto's facility in Ortona a Mare, Abruzzo, senior representatives from industry, politicians, and members of the technical teams gathered to celebrate Europe's completion of the second sector.
"The completion of the second European sector of ITER's vacuum vessel demonstrates yet again the exceptional manufacturing skills of our industry and its ability to apply quickly lessons learned from the first sector," F4E Director Marc Lachaise said in his speech at the ceremony. "It also illustrates how the EU, through its participation in the biggest international fusion project, can successfully involve medium-sized companies, help them grow, and target overseas markets. We are proud of this achievement because it shows that Europe delivers and is competitive."
Ansaldo Nucleare President Roberto Adinolfi added: "The completion of the second EU sector of the Vacuum Vessel by the AMW Consortium confirms the ability of the European supply chain to combine strengths and capabilities existing in our individual companies to deliver high quality complex components, at the forefront of nuclear technologies."
The sector will depart from Italy later this month and travel by sea to Fos-sur- Mer, the industrial port of Marseille. Then, it will be loaded onto a trailer to be driven to ITER site. Europe's remaining three sectors are in production and will be delivered in the next two years.
The ITER project
ITER is a major international project to build a tokamak fusion device designed to prove the feasibility of fusion as a large-scale and carbon-free source of energy. The goal of ITER is to operate at 500 MW (for at least 400 seconds continuously) with 50 MW of plasma heating power input. It appears that an additional 300 MWe of electricity input may be required in operation. No electricity will be generated at ITER.
Thirty-five nations are collaborating to build ITER - the European Union is contributing almost half of the cost of its construction, while the other six members (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the USA) are contributing equally to the rest. Construction began in 2010 and the original 2018 first plasma target date was put back to 2025 by the ITER council in 2016. However, in June last year, a revamped project plan was announced which aims for "a scientifically and technically robust initial phase of operations, including deuterium-deuterium fusion operation in 2035 followed by full magnetic energy and plasma current operation"."
Nat da Hatt / fiffdimension – ネオン列車の風景 (Japan, 2012)
#DIY #Experimental #Japan #NZ #NewZealand #World #asia #fieldrecordings #fusion #mashup #newzealandmusic #outsider #postmodern #postpunk #psychedelicrock #worldfusion #Featherston
CC BY-SA (#CreativeCommons Attribution Share Alike) #ccmusic
Wayne Shorter in his last Blue Note date before joining Weather Report
This record is fusion while they were figuring it out and definitely modal, at least the opener. #jazz #fusion #music #recording #nowplaying
Not much going on with the Brain DJ, so another grab from the "recent release" bag this morning –
Djabe and Steve Hackett, "In the Silence" (Feb 2025)
Recorded at Svömmehallen Scene, Norway on 30 & 31 January 2024, during Bodø Jazz Open, Norway.
An update for JAWS, ZoomText, and Fusion 2025 is now available! Download the March update to begin using the latest features. Check out the What’s New pages!
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#Fusion #Jazz #Drums #Percussion
Here a great tune by drummer Billy Cobham and Novecento, hope it makes you feel good. Play it loud
Nuclear fusion: WEST beats the world record for plasma duration!
#news #science #physics #fusion #NuclearFusion #France
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Further in Fusion, März 2025 (I). Mark Bailey mit einem Kessel Buntes: Die Essenz aus einer Handvoll neuer Releases, darunter... mehr