#architects #history #kitchens #herstory
"Schütte-Lihotzky led a remarkably long and full life, dying a few days short of her 103rd birthday in 2000. But her name remains forever connected to a space she designed when only 29 years old: the Frankfurt Kitchen, the prototype of the modern fitted kitchen.
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The kitchen design was part of a wider effort to standardize housing and lighten the load of the working class. 'She didn’t just develop a kitchen,' says Austrian architect Renate Allmayer-Beck. 'It was a concept to make women’s lives easier by giving them a kitchen where they could manage more easily and have more time for themselves.'
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The Frankfurt Kitchen was efficiently laid out and compact, to save both on costs and the physical effort required to use it. Here, a woman could move from sink to stove without taking a single step. This quest for efficiency also led Schütte-Lihotzky to move the kitchen from a corner of the family room into its own space—a choice that baffled contemporary homemakers.
Designing the first built-in, prefabricated, and mass-produced kitchen at a time when none of this was standard practice was a mammoth logistical and technological undertaking.
While the Frankfurt Kitchen was marketed as a kitchen designed for women by a woman, Schütte-Lihotzky resented the implication that her gender automatically endowed her with secret domestic knowledge, writing in her memoir that 'it fed into the notions among the bourgeoisie and petite bourgeoisie at the time that women essentially work in the home at the kitchen stove.' In fact, Schütte-Lihotzky had never run a household or even cooked before developing the kitchen, approaching it instead like any other architectural challenge. She consulted literature on rationalizing domestic labor, conducted time-motion studies systematically observing and measuring the time and physical movements involved in common tasks, and studied galley kitchens on trains."
#ErickaHuggins #ElaineBrown #fascism #herstory
"The panel Women Speak Out Against Fascism featured Ericka Huggins and Elaine Brown, two legendary figures in the Black liberation movement, in a powerful discussion about the rise of fascism, state repression, and the role of women in the fight for justice.
Both Huggins and Brown, former leaders in the Black Panther Party, drew from their deep histories of activism to analyze the political landscape, connecting past struggles against government oppression, racial injustice, and economic exploitation to contemporary movements resisting authoritarianism. They discussed the ways in which state violence, surveillance, and systemic racism have continued to evolve, particularly in the wake of increased policing, mass incarceration, and attacks on civil liberties.
A major theme of the panel was the role of women in revolutionary movements. Brown, the first and only woman to chair the Black Panther Party, spoke about the challenges of leadership in a male-dominated movement, her experiences organizing against state repression, and the necessity of political education. Huggins, an educator and human rights advocate, emphasized the power of healing, mindfulness, and community-building as tools for resistance, particularly for women and marginalized communities."
"A self-taught cook ahead of her time, Myrtle Allen bought the Ballymaloe Estate in Cork in 1948 and in 1964 converted its dining room into a now-iconic restaurant featuring the farm’s harvest. At the time, women in Ireland were constrained by a 'marriage bar' requiring public sector (and many private sector) employees to give up their jobs once wedded. Yet Allen was a visible leader of the country’s gastronomic revolution, and when she received her Michelin star in 1975—just two years after the marriage bar was disbanded—it represented not only a victory for Irish cuisine, but for Irish women everywhere."
Die Tafel der Reaktoren in der Alten WU / Wien Augasse Spittelau wurde kontextualisiert. Auf dem weißen Streifen steht: "Nur Männer!"
#weltfrauentag #frauentag #herstory
Voir aussi les #dataviz des requêtes #Sparql de l'identifiant #FranceArchives sur #Wikidata : https://patrimoine-et-numerique.fr/data-visualisations/83-des-gens-dans-les-archives-a-propos-de-l-identifiant-francearchives-agent-sur-wikidata#femmes-proportion
Je suis particulièrement fan (et fière) de celle sur les lieux de naissance des femmes dans les archives, par siècle (poke @belett ) : https://w.wiki/7CgB
#archives #viedarchiviste #herstory #histoire #histodons #sourceshistoriques #inventaires #archivistodons #histodons #femmes #journeeinternationaledesdroitsdesfemmes #womeninhistory 2/
Un peu d'autopromo avant les ateliers sur le sujet à #AAFRennes2025 :
"Où sont les femmes ?" [Partout]. Ou comment genrer facilement nos données patrimoniales. Tutoriel : https://patrimoine-et-numerique.fr/tutoriels/80-41-ou-sont-les-femmes-ou-comment-genrer-nos-donnees-patrimoniales
(Avec #OpenRefine bien sûr)
#archives #viedarchiviste #herstory #histoire #histodons #sourceshistoriques #inventaires #archivistodons #histodons #femmes #journeeinternationaledesdroitsdesfemmes #womeninhistory 1/
RT @infoclio - «Guide des sources pour l'histoire des femmes* en Suisse romande»
Un nouvel outil de recherche réalisé par les @archicon sur mandat du Gosteli Archiv.
A télécharger librement.
#archives #inventaires #sourceshistoriques #histoiredesfemmes #herstory #histodons #Suisse @archivistodon #archivistodons #veille
Worüber man bei Recherchen nebenbei stolpert: einer schöner Bericht über den Fußball der Frauen ab 1950 inkl. Interview u.a. von Spielerinnen der Fortuna Dortmund.
#herstory #histodon #dfb #geschichte
Moin allerseits!
Wir sind immer noch #neuhier und auf der Suche nach Profilen, die zu #Geschichte, #Erinnerungskultur, #Bewegungsgeschichte, #Herstory, #Frauengeschichte etc. tooten, um unsere Kalenderblätter weiterzufüttern. Habt ihr Empfehlungen für uns?
Happy Birthday, #RosaLuxemburg auf dich
Um ihr schriftliches Erbe kümmern wir uns: die Edition ihrer Gesammelten Werke und Briefe sowie viele spannende Einzeltitel, die ihre Vielschichtigkeit zeigen — politisch, persönlich, privat. Schaut euch um: https://dietzberlin.de/thema/einzeltitel-rosa-luxemburg
Olympe de Gouges - 1748-1793 - Femme de lettres et femme politique française, militante anti-esclavage et autrice de la Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne.
Guillotinée le 3 novembre 1793 à Paris
Les droits des femmes sont trop révolutionnaires pour les révolutions des hommes.
Der Women in History Month hat begonnen ! Und auch Bibliothekarinnen haben ihre Spuren hinterlassen
Zum Beispiel die als Aktion-Figur weltweit bekannt gewordene Nancy Pearl. Die Bibliothekarin war Leiterin des Washington Center of the Book in der Seattle Public Library und verbringt Ihren Lebensabend als Autorin.
Danke für die Erinnerung an diese Frauen. In diesen Tagen, an denen wir voller Schrecken in die USA blicken, fällt mir eine berühmte Opernsängerin ein: Grace Bumbry, die 1961 in Bayreuth als Venus im "Tannhäuser" aufgetreten ist.
Im Booklet der CD steht dazu u.a.: "Angeblich 200 Protestbriefe mit rassistischen Auslassungen sollen damals bei den Festspielen eingegangen sein."
[#veille] Sans budget, ni bâtiment : le premier musée des Féminismes de France attendra encore longtemps - Ouest-France (abonnés)
#culture #histoire #feminisme #histoiredesfemmes #herstory
La grande historienne des femmes,Yvonne Knibiehler nous a quitté
Elle avait créé le Centre d’Etudes Féminines de l’Université de Provence, premier groupe féministe universitaire de France. Ses travaux sur la maternité, sur les infirmières ont fait date
au revoir madame
#herstory #histoiredesfemmes #histodons #histoire #feminisme
alle meine Bücher, im Buchhandel - zB. hier in Österreich:
oder für Deutschland:
"The Journal of the Debates in the Convention which Framed the Constitution of the United States, May-September, 1787" Volumes 1 & 2 at Project Gutenberg. These books are mostly notes kept by James Madison during the constitutional convention.
5 Years of #herstoryseapod
Five years ago, HERstory: Southeast Asia started as a passion project to uncover the stories of the incredible women who shaped our region’s history. Today, we’re celebrating 5 years, 29K streams, 2 seasons, 30 full episodes, 10 bonus episodes, and 13 amazing patrons who keep this podcast going! Thank you for listening, supporting, and sharing these stories.