‘John Wick Experience’ Opens Doors In Las Vegas; First Photos Unveiled
#News #Ballerina #JohnWick #JohnWickExperience #Lionsgate

‘John Wick Experience’ Opens Doors In Las Vegas; First Photos Unveiled
#News #Ballerina #JohnWick #JohnWickExperience #Lionsgate
9. John Wick 4: Chapter 4
Hienolle tarinalle ja leffasarjalle arvoisensa loppu. Huhhuh. Vauhtia ja hienoja hetkiä riitti. Yllätyksiä ja tunnetta. Vaikka nämä onkin toimintaleffoja -- ja hienoja sellaisia -- niin näissä on hyvin paljon muutakin.
Keanusta kyllä huomaa, että ukolla alkaa olla jo ikää ja rooli rankka. Köpötteli välillä mähinän jälkeen sen näköisenä, että kävi kipeää ja nivelet oli hellinä. En ihmettele.
8. John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum
Tämä leffasarja onnistuu kyllä vain parantamaan juoksuaan osa osalta. Tinkimätöntä toimintaa, syvällisiäkin teemoja ja hienoja lokaatioita.
Hengästyttävää kaahausta alusta loppuun, mutta vaikka on paljon ahdettuna yhteen pakettiin, niin jaksaa olla koherentti.
Tässä osassa on myös iso kasa uusia hyvin kirjoitettuja hahmoja. Mutta Joni on yhä Joni.
One benefit of having hundreds of gamebooks is you will probably have forgotten about most of them, and picking one at random to read will often surprise you.
I started reading *Houses of the Blooded* by John Wick, and found it very interesting.
John has a very strong voice in his games, and in this one he has gone for less of a textbook, and more of the "show don't tell" method. He invokes the feeling of the game in text of the rules.
7. John Wick: Chapter 2
Onhan nää ihan älyttömiä elokuvia. Taso ei laske missään vaiheessa. Tällaista modernin toiminnan pitääkin olla. Ei kompromisseja, rautaisen kässärin kautta kohti täydellisyyttä.
Keanu on tässäkin hyvä. Se on kyllä jännä miten noin ilmeetön mies voi olla noin hyvä näyttelijä.
Kolmosta putkeen!
6. John Wick
Onhan tää aivan huikea teos. Ei herkuttele hurmeella, vaan toiminta on suoraviivaista ja taidokkaasti koreografioitua. Hyvin viihdyttävä kokonaisuus, joka ei sisällä yhtäkään turhaa framea.
Keanu on ihana. Aina sama ilme ja äänenpaino, mutta sehän se tekee Keanusta Keanun.
P.S. koiran kuolema on aina perseestä.
"Action #movies are not in general advocating for #fascism. They do, though, often advocate for #cruelty. You’re supposed to cheer when #JamesBond throws an opponent into a tank of piranhas... You’re supposed to giggle and pump your fist when #JohnWick plunges a knife in someone’s eye. The cruelty is the point of the knife.
...this narrative of righteous cruelty as punishment for unrighteous cruelty, is exactly how #fascists justify their cruelty."
From Neo and Morpheus to John Wick and the Bowery King.
#ThenAndNow #KeanuReeves #LaurenceFishburne
#TheMatrix #JohnWick
Maybe I'll sit down and watch one or two of the #JohnWick movies this weekend
The #JohnWick #movies are well-regarded for their action sequences and rightfully so. Its world-building is also notable, being quite imaginative even with little focus on developing both plot and character (not counting Keanu's star presence and the constantly increasing entrapment of the title character). Unfortunately, this sometimes means that, especially when rewatching them, it's really just the action sequences that keep my attention.
In contrast, I can keep watching the three #TheEqualizer #films and find so much interest in the non-action scenes. The first film, for instance, has those moments when Denzel Washington is talking about being a Pip, reading The Old Man and the Sea, etc. There's one throwaway moment when Chloe Grace Moretz asks him, "How old are you?" and he simply fires back with "How old are you?" that I find so delightful for reasons I can't explain.
What is going on in John Wick universe? Is it really just assassins who exist to kill other assassins? #JohnWick
I watched this video by John Wick, and felt really compelled to try this mechanic some day!
Josh Hartnett goes John Wick on a plane in the Fight or Flight trailer. Watch it here https://bit.ly/3W8Htod
Keanu Reeves Is Game For ‘John Wick 5’ — But His Knees Object
#News #AnaDeArmas #Ballerina #JeffFowler #JohnWick #KeanuReeves #SonictheHedgehog3 #TheContinental
Unexplored #JohnWick lore: the tattooed, pierced, punk switchboard operators using early computing tech and rotary phones. Because vibes?
Don’t care why, I’m here for it
Keanu Reeves Says ‘My Heart’ Wants ‘John Wick 5’ but ‘I Don’t Know If My Knees Can Do It’: Right Now They’re Saying ‘I Can’t Do Another’
#Variety #News #JohnWick #KeanuReeves
Recently we'd been watching the John Wick series of movies and noticing as the bounty to take him down increases from $7 Million to max out at $40 Million.
And comparing this to housing and real estate prices in major metropolitan areas these days and noticing that wasting scores of lives against this one dude is costing essentially a pittance.
Then today seeing this.
Do you know how many John Wick bounties you could get for the cost of a Bezos wedding?