wamb-hord, m.n: ‘womb-hoard’, used of the weapons contained in a fortified place. (WAHMB-HORD / ˈwamb-ˌhɔrd)
#OldEnglish #WOTD
ge-trēowfæstnian, wk.v: to be faithful, firm, strong. (yeh-TRAY-oh-VAST-ni-ahn / jɛ-ˈtreːɔ-ˌvæst-nɪ-an)
#OldEnglish #WOTD
mægden-cild, n.n: a female child. (MAEY-den-CHILLD / ˈmæj-dɛn-ˌtʃɪld)
Image: St Anne teaching the Virgin Mary to read, from a Book of Hours; France or England, c. 1430-40; J. Paul Getty Museum, Ms. 5, f. 45v.
#OldEnglish #WOTD
fell, n.n: skin, hide. (FELL / ˈfɛl)
Image: Closeup of parchment from Leiden University Libraries, BPL 25 (9th century); photo by @erik_kwakkel.
#OldEnglish #WOTD
feorh-ner, n.n: life’s preservation of salvation, a refuge, sustenance, nourishment. (FEH-or’h-nehr / ˈfɛɔrx-nɛr)
#OldEnglish #WOTD
locc, m.n: hair, lock of hair. (LOCK / ˈlɔk)
Image: St Mary of Egypt in the Taymouth Hours; England, 1325-35; British Library, Yates Thompson MS 13, f. 188v.
#OldEnglish #WOTD
rōt, adj: glad, cheerful; noble, excellent. (ROAT / ˈroːt)
#OldEnglish #WOTD
stānincel, n.n: a little stone. (STAHN-IN-chell / ˈstaːn-ˌɪn-tʃɛl)
Image: Gospel Book; Germany (Hildesheim), 12th century (cover); Dom-Museum Hildesheim (DS 13).
#OldEnglish #WOTD
sundor-weorþmynt, f.n: a special honour, prerogative. (SUN-dor-WEH-orth-muent / ˈsʌn-dɔr-ˌwɛɔrθ-mynt)
#OldEnglish #WOTD
basing, m.n: cloak, short cloak. (BA-zing / ˈba-zɪŋ)
Image: St Martin of Tours; Tournai, 12th century; British Library, Add MS 15219, f. 12r.
#OldEnglish #WOTD
ān-rǣd, adj: one-minded, unanimous, agreed, persevering, resolute, prompt, vehement. (AHN-RAD / ˈaːn-ˌræːd)
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#OldEnglish #WOTD
cyte, f.n: cot, cottage, bedchamber, cell. (KUE-tuh / ˈky-tə)
Image: Pontifical; England, c. 1400-1410; Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 079, f. 95v.
#OldEnglish #WOTD
līþe, adj: soft, gentle, mild, serene. (LEE-thuh / ˈliː-θə)
#OldEnglish #WOTD
oxa, m.n: ox. (AWK-sa / ˈɔk-sa)
Image: Luttrell Psalter; N England (Lincolnshire), 1325-1340; British Library, Add MS 42130, f. 50r.
#OldEnglish #WOTD