#Sketch #SketchBook #MastoArt #Art #Fineliner #FinelinerArt#Ink #InkArt #OneLine #OneLineDrawing #Linework #LineArt #Draw #DrawingAnimals #Dog #KleineKunstklasse #DailyArt #DailySketch
reference pictures from line-of-action.com/
#Sketch #SketchBook #MastoArt #Art #Fineliner #FinelinerArt#Ink #InkArt #OneLine #OneLineDrawing #Linework #LineArt #Draw #DrawingAnimals #Dog #KleineKunstklasse #DailyArt #DailySketch
reference pictures from line-of-action.com/
@doener hier noch ein Artikel auf Deutsch wie die Nazis @Codeberg beleidigen und angreifen:
»Open-Source-Plattform Codeberg kämpft gegen 'rechte Hass-Kampagne'
Die Open-Source-Plattform Codeberg wurde Ziel einer Hasskampagne. Rechtsextreme versenden mithilfe einer Lücke massenweise beleidigende E-Mails an Nutzer. Die Betreiber reagierten prompt, entschuldigten sich und kündigten Verbesserungen an.«
#Sketch #SketchBook #MastoArt #Art #Fineliner #FinelinerArt#Ink #InkArt #Linework #LineArt #OneLine #OneLineDrawing #OneLineArt #Draw #PeopleDrawing #KleineKunstklasse #DailyArt #DailySketch
Yesterday's drawings/ one line.
One of the hardest thing with those is keeping the proportions accurate.
Reference pictures from line-of-action.com
#Sketch #SketchBook #MastoArt #Art #Fineliner #FinelinerArt#Ink #InkArt #Linework #LineArt #OneLine #OneLineDrawing #OneLineArt #Draw #Hands #Feet #KleineKunstklasse #DailyArt #DailySketch
One line drawings. Didn't think this would be so tricky, but one or another turned out fine.
Reference pictures from line-of-action.com
#Sketch #SketchBook #MastoArt #Art #Fineliner #FinelinerArt#Ink #InkArt #Linework #LineArt #OneLine #OneLineDrawing #Draw #Cat #Cats #CatsCatsCats #CatsOfMastodon #Catstodon #Kitty #KleineKunstklasse #DailyArt #DailySketch
Yesterday's sketches: first attempts at one line drawings.
Reference pictures from line-of-action.com
downstairs mixup ink mafia nascent fossil fascism
Concealed Emotions: The Hidden Secrets drawing. https://fineartamerica.com/featured/concealed-emotions-the-hidden-secrets-olena-art.html A one-line drawing that evokes mystery and introspection. This black and white vector illustration beautifully captures the complexity of emotions through simplicity. #artwork #drawing #hidden #secrets #mystery #introspection #blackandwhite #vector #illustration #emotions #complexity #simplicity #ConcealedEmotions #HiddenSecrets #oneline #art @FineArtamerica @Shoppixels @FineArtamerica @Pixels
Disponible à la vente, oeuvre unique, format raisin 50x65cm. Plus d’info via : contact@josephin.net
#art #drawing #lifedrawing #nude #blindcontour #instaart #ink #nudeart #croquis #artist #illustration #artistic #figuration #contemporaryart #artwork #artcollector #arte #instaart #collection #contemporarydrawing #contemporaryart #newart #dailyart #minimalism #tattoo #oneline