THE HISTORY OF THE CIA: France’s Secret Armies and the Pan-Europa Project [pt. 5.3]
Today we cover the establishment of secret armies in France and the emergence of pan-European groups funded by the CIA:
THE HISTORY OF THE CIA: France’s Secret Armies and the Pan-Europa Project [pt. 5.3]
Today we cover the establishment of secret armies in France and the emergence of pan-European groups funded by the CIA:
Death in Geneva: The Poisoning of Felix Moumié by Frank Garbelly
#ServicedeDocumentationExtérieureetdeContreEspionnage, #SDECE, #LaMainRouge, #UniondespopulationsduCameroun, #UPC, #Cameroun, #Kamerun, #Cameroon, #FrenchColonialism, #FrenchImperialism, #GuerillaWarfare, #CounterInsurgency, #ColdWar, #crimesfrancaisenafrique, #antiblackness, #politicalassassinations
On November 3rd, 1960, Félix Moumié, the famous independence fighter of Cameroon, died in Geneva. An agent of the French secret services poisoned him. His body was transferred to Conakry, Guinea, where it was embalmed and secured in a sarcophagus. To this day, Cameroon authorities refuse to bury one of his great sons in his own country. It was a commando group of sabotage and killers of the French secret services that organized the murder of Moumié in Geneva. Swiss authorities knew the murderer, but under pressure of France, never judged him.