Saltburn Pier: A Stubborn Relic of Victorian Opportunism
With the weather forecast putting an end to our morning plans and since we did not particularly want to be battered about on the high moors, we decided instead to be battered about on the beach. Hence, our impromptu visit to Saltburn-by-the-Sea.
Despite the slight breeze, nature insists that spring is on its wa ...
Archie Madekwe on Going From ‘Saltburn’ Survivor to Preyed-Upon Music Star in ‘Lurker’: It ‘Feels Tense and Anxiety-Inducing, but Is Laced With So Much Comedy’
#Variety #Global #News #ArchieMadekwe #BerlinFilmFestival #Lurker #Saltburn
"My boyfriend smells delicious-as-fuck, but his scent is subtle so you have to press your face really deeply into it to fully conjure the feeling that he’s with you while you’re…"
This time last year... #Saltburn-inspired perving
Meatball ron is so thirsty I'll bet he's slurping up dump's bath water a la #Saltburn
Barry Keoghan visits Bulgaria alongside Foreign Secretary David Lammy to launch Children’s Care campaign across the globe as actor aims to ‘improve the system’ #BarryKeoghan #Bulgaria #dailymail #DavidLammy #Labour #PeakyBlinders #Saltburn #tvshowbiz #UNICEF
Catching up on movies... #Saltburn
Definitely some super uncomfortable moments in this movie! Just not like the uncomfortable moments in any other movie.
As good as people said it was.
Teddy’s Nook: Where Facts are Optional
Working with the National Trust at Old Saltburn, tucked away in Littledale—a predictably small valley with a narrow view across to the new town. The place has some flora worth noting, though you will be mostly clawing your way through Blackthorn, Gorse, and Brambles. Today’s thrilling task was hacking back this jungle.
Perched smugly on the cliff overlooking the sands is a quaint two- ...
"If I can plodge in Iceland I can plodge in the North Sea on Christmas Eve" - me, moments before making a huge mistake.
Wine bar taking off with 15,000 guests in first four months of trading, boss says #JoshNewellBrown #Koze #NewellBrown #NicholaWatson #PlanningPermission #RedcarAndClevelandCouncil #Saltburn #SaltburnStationGallery #Wine
The Battle of Brambles: Managing Little Dale’s Wild Side
The gorse, in its garish yellow splendour, provides the only relief to Little Dale’s dreary winter vista—a scene as lively as a crypt. One marvels that the National Trust, using funds from the estimable Enterprise Neptune scheme, thought it prudent to acquire this rather unremarkable hollow near Saltburn-by-the-Sea from Brough House Farm in 1997. The Cleveland Way, that celebra ...
As I'm under strict instruction from the other half to "relax" this weekend (whatever that means), we took a trip to the beach to hunt Pikmins.
Saltburn is too fancy to sell proper lemon tops, so I had to settle for lemon crunch ice cream instead. Definitely tasty, but it's no artificial luminous yellow sorbet!
Got home about ten minutes before the rain started, I'm calling that one a success.
Wenn #BlinkTwice irgendwas zwischen #DontWorryDarling und #Saltburn ist, kann ich ihn mir vermutlich, trotz aller Sympathie für Zoe Kravitz, wohl eher sparen? Der Trailer erinnert mich auf unangenehme Art an #GlassOnion.
Coastal Reverie: From Saltburn to Cattersty Sands
With the tide in my favour, I set off on an early morning walk from Saltburn along the coast. The conditions were almost too favourable, rendering the barnacle-encrusted scar an easy path. Before long, I found myself nearing Cattersty Sands.
After passing Seal Goit, a name hinting at visits from marine mammals, I glanced back and was taken aback by ...
Bandstand, sorry to be late for the concert.
#Aquarell #Watercolour #UrbanSketching #Bandstand #England #Saltburn-by-the-sea
Part of the Cleveland Way as seen from the beach. I think the small picture is better, maybe I need bigger brushes than the waterfilled ones for the bigger pictures.
#Watercolour #Aquarell #UrbanSketching #England #Saltburn-by-the-sea
Nature Reclaims Industry: Warsett Hill
A fishing smack chugging serenely towards his lobster pots off Huntcliff caught my attention. The morning is still and muggy, with overnight rain fizzling out and the sea as calm as a millpond.
I have been working on the National Trust's property at Warsett Hill, tidying up an old, decrepit post and rail fence. Acquired in 1991 with funds from Enterprise Neptune a ...
Huntcliff: A Roman Lookout Lost to the Sea
It’s been a lovely day at the seaside, but I my eyes were drawn to Huntcliff Nab, the huge beetling cliff that towers over Saltburn. It's made of soft shales and is slowly being worn away by the sea and wind.
I imagined what the headland would have looked like almost two millenia ago, when the Romans built a lookout station on top of it. How much has disappea ...
J'avais raté Saltburn à sa sortie, alors on l'a vu récemment. C'est très joli et j'ai bien aimé la tension qui nait dès les premières secondes et ne quitte jamais le spectateur par la suite. Mérite le détour (si vous tolérez une grosse pincée de trash et une pointe de nudité masculine), surtout pour le casting impeccable et Barry Keoghan en tête.