René Auberjonois and Andrew J. Robinson are caked in prosthetics and makeup, so they are hamming it up to 200%, just so their performance can break through, and they are great playing off each other.
René Auberjonois and Andrew J. Robinson are caked in prosthetics and makeup, so they are hamming it up to 200%, just so their performance can break through, and they are great playing off each other.
“I don't compromise with Borg.”
—Janeway, upon ruining the Borg Queen's day yet again
Been a long time, but I'm patching Star Trek Online right now.
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#StarTrek Difficulty:
Seems someone at Netflix is totally down with Kirk/Spock
Phasers gonna phase.
A fan poster for the Star Trek episode Squire Of Gothos, tonight on H&I All Star Trek. Done during isolation in the pandemic.
Artist: J.J. Lendl at STUDIO JJ
¿Cómo se escribe un #altText para algo que no existe? El tut referenciado lleva tres vistas diferentes de una lanzadera tipo 6 de las usadas en la flota estelar de #StarTrek en el siglo XXIV. Se trata de un vehículo volador sin alas del tamaño de una furgoneta grande que se apoya sobre dos prismas hexagonales tumbados, casi tan largos como el vehículo mismo. Este ejemplar lleva identificadores de una nave hospital.
What a surprise find! I was digging through an old box to throw out and found an 8GB flash drive with a single video on it -- the movie 'Crossroads' from 1986.
So I pop it in and who show sup? Tim Russ!
3/24: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!
Tuvok is channeling his inner Julia Childs.
TOS (8ET): The Squire of Gothos
TNG (9ET): Contagion
DS9 (10ET): Improbable Cause, Part 1
VOY (11 ET): Riddles
ENT (midnight): The Shipment