If anyone were to obtain the public IP of my server, and did a port scan on it, every port would come back as closed
> reason behind the failure of #TCP hole punching is only the router NAT table. I will try to explain my best:
Client 1 --> connect(client2) --Internet-- connect(client1)<-- Client 2
Now if Client1 **SYN Packet**** reaches to the client2 and **client2 **SYN packet wasn't released** , the ROUTER of client2 can do 2 things: 1. send RST packet back as connection refused to client1. 2. drop packet immediately and no reply send to client1
-- SOF
# tailscale
Now that's some motivation to buy a domain name
to keep my idle domain from expiring , I didn't like the provider , #selfhosting folks , any ideas?