making lists now
people who keep sharing #vatniks #vatniksoup #terfs #antivaxxers #russianassets #natehagens #jembendell
Es ist #InternationalerFeministischerKampftag
Die Glückwünsche spar ich mir, denn der Kampf ist lange nicht vorbei, im Gegenteil, feministische Positionen und Erungenschaften stehen unter Beschuss durch die erstarkende #Rechte aber auch durch #Terfs die ihre gewonnen Privilegien nicht mit der Queeren Community teilen wollen.
Der Kampf geht weiter, nicht nur am 8. März.
Kein Gott, kein Staat, kein #Patriarchat!
@solidsanek that's basically the exact same argument #TERFS use to pretend that #sex isn't a spectrum. "Those variations are very rare so don't really count".
So basically TERFs are barely as intelligent as artificial"intelligence "
and the #deepadaption idiots can also f the f off. you are all the same. #antiscience crisis-cults.
@ArrowbearMoore if you keep sharing this #vatniks, #terfs & #tinfoilhats spreading #conspiracytheories on #LAwildfires you will be reported and blocked.
like how old are y'all? that you need a grown up supervising you on what and what not to share? if you don't instinctively know that #putin is not to be trusted, WTF is even wrong with you? i don't even want to be in the same space with you. go away.
from now on i have a very simple way to deal with this:
anything in the line of #berniebros #jimmydore #jillstein #jeffreysachs #natehagens #caitlynjohnstone #tulsigabbart #jembendell - tin foil hat #russian #lunatic #querfront type of shit - or even remotely adjacent to it
will be blocked on sight. it is the only reason i block people. but it will be terminal.
shame that you even have to say that on the #fediverse
some special dudebros just do not understand the meaning of NO #VATNIKS, NO #TERFS, NO #ANTIVAXXERS.
Oh goodie.
The book Enemy Feminisms by @reproutopia is now available,
Anyone for a spontanous #BookClub?
@davidruffner @njoseph you USers deserve every little shit you have coming for you.
Someone asked me today how I could be both a #feminist and a #trans ally and… let’s just say they got an *education* about #terfs vs true feminism for all women.
It was an education I was able to give in large part because of what I’ve learned from my trans friends here on fedi. So for everyone who took the time to answer my questions - thank you and I’m trying to pass your good work on
PS: the question was asked earnestly, and they really listened with an open mind
Congrats to all the #TERFs for enabling a Christo-fascist takeover of our country. You have been used, badly, and you're still in denial about it.
Les camarades #trans sont mes camarades. Vos vies comptent ! Nique les #TERFs, à bas le #patriarcat !
#TERF is #allowed by #Judge to #misgender #transgender #doctor throughout #legalproceedings, in violation of the #EqualityAct.
The Judge falsely claims #misgendering does not constitute #harassment, #TheTelegraph #reported.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #UK #NHS #TERFS #Hate #Bigotry #Discrimination #Transphobia #TERFIsland
#CassReport has ‘high #risk of #bias’, #US #medical #experts #warn
A #Report in the #NewEnglandJournalofMedicine, written by #law #professors #DanielGAaron #MD, and #CraigKonnoth, has raised #concerns over the #review’s #methodology, claiming it was “not #verified by #experts”.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #UK #TransKids #GenderAffirmingCare #Tories #Labour #NHS #TERFS #Hate #Bigotry #Discrimination #Transphobia #GateKeeping #WorkingAsIntended #TERFIsland
Long. TL;DR: Exceptions in one's support for universal rights = not actually supporting universal rights and that's bad, mmkay.
Probably not a controversial opinion on mastodon, but if you actively support universal rights for everyone *except* a certain kind of people, I believe you are contributing to some of the biggest problems in our world, regardless of your reasons. You're working for the wrong team whether you know it or not.
"But wait!" some will say, "What about #trans 'groomers'? #Antifa? #Black militants? #Gay pedophiles? Job-stealing #immigrant #criminals?"
Even if those concerns were valid (happy to explain at length how they really, seriously aren't), this argument boils down to: "Because of the actions of some people, I'm willing to deny rights to others who seem similar." It's a willingness to harm some people because they appear to be like other people.
"Now hold on a minute," others might say, "What about #pedophiles? #Terrorists? Drug dealers selling crack to children? Human traffickers? #Billionaires? Misogynists? Racists? #Terfs? Homophobes?"
Yes, those can actually be valid concerns. however, under the hood it's the same problem: every person in our world willing to deny "universal" rights to anyone else (or just to be silent while people around them do so) is a person who doesn't actually support universal #rights, a person who will hurt or oppress others if it is packaged just right. They're a tiny piece of our world that doesn't actually believe in fundamental "#freedom" or "#justice", because those things have exceptions for them.
Multiply those exceptions by a few million people and this is how you get a society that claims to support "#liberty" or "the #constitution" or "#HumanRights" but actually just doesn't; a society that continually misses its marks; a society that has impressive words on the label but never really looks like the pictures in the product brochure. It's a society in which the people truly walking the walk on support for their fellow humans seem like extreme radicals.
I'm not saying avoiding this pitfall is easy; support for universal rights is hard, sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes legitimately scary. Even among those aspiring to this, I don't think most (including me) are quite there; we are still silent sometimes when our values would say we should speak up--for example, I believe pedophiles have/deserve the same rights as anyone else, but I rarely say that out loud, even here.
As for how to help myself or others achieve this, I probably have the same bundle of ideas as anyone else. I think we need improved strategies but I'm not sure what they are. I don't think attacks or punitive/shaming gatekeeping are generally great methods, but I also don't think we should stay silent when people in "our groups" demonstrate a lack of support. Encouraging support for universal rights is hard, too.
1. A common way to package exceptions is "For everyone else to have freedom, [marginalized group] must have fewer rights because [danger, real or imagined]." This is 100% wrong and stupid, and this argument should be screamed at with all possible volume whenever it appears.
2. I can't currently think of any valid exceptions to supporting universal human rights. I think "universal rights" means "universal rights," literally no matter who you are, what group you belong to, or what you've done. I'm open to the possibility that there are valid exceptions, but I'm not currently aware of what those might be.
3. This was posted to FB, then edited/expanded a bit for mastodon.
4. This is about principles, not my personal behavior, which falls short of my principles; in other words, I am probably a hypocrite, though I' working on it.