#thehobbit #thelordoftherings #hobbit #lordoftherings #lotr #gandalf #theonering #book #books #booklover #bookworm #bookdragon
#ScribesAndMakers 3.6 — Tell us about a book you go back and read over and over. What do you love about it?
(I broke something on my bookshelf just to retrieve these two books, so I hope this post is worth the strife. Crystals and glass went everywhere.)
Let me preface this by saying that I am a huge fan of Tolkien as both a human being and as a writer. My library has an entire section for Tolkien's Legendarium. It's overflowing at this point.
On the left we have my own copy of The Silmarillion, and on the right is my father's. He took that book across the country, while backpacking and later while living in his VW bus. It's special to me. The book, as a whole, was what drew me to writing in the first place. As a child, my dad first read The Hobbit to me before bed, and then The Lord of the Rings after. It was off to the races from that point on. The Lost Tales and The Unfinished Tales followed. When I got my hands on The Silmarillion, it sealed the deal for me. This is a comfort book for me, even though I cry buckets at the myths and tales within. That's okay, though.
It's World Book Day (in the UK)! This is where a lifelong love of reading, and by extension literacy, began... #WorldBookDay #StarWars #TheHobbit #Book #Books
I'll escape to #MiddleEarth tonight.
4 hours fan-edit by Dustin Lee of #TheHobbit trilogy.
And for afters, his 1hour excerpt on Durins Folk And The Hill Of Sorcery. There's a download button below the movie: https://vimeo.com/130716015
In case you don't know the Hobbit fan-edit, Lee's website has a few download links http://www.maple-films.com/downloads.html
10 to 15 GB in size.
Elrond listened to the tale of the blue-faced child with growing bile in his throat. #fanart #fanfiction #lordoftherings #thehobbit
Really enjoyed "The Hobbit" - cherry on top is the knowledge that Tolkien himself drew the pictures in the 1937 edition.
[caption id="attachment_15917" align="aligncenter" width="720"] When Legolas reported on Gollum’s escape to Elrond’s council, Glóin became upset when Legolas spoke of treating Gollum gently. Was he addressing Legolas personally or referring to all the Elves of Mirkwood? Here is what we know.[/caption]
Q: Did Glóin Imply He Had Met Legolas?
ANSWER: Peter Jackson’s inclusion of Legolas in […]
[caption id="attachment_15806" align="aligncenter" width="720"] Thorin and his 12 companions were supposedly traveling together. So why did they all arrive in small groups at Bag End? Here is what we know.[/caption]
Q: Why Didn’t The Dwarves All Arrive Together In ‘An Unexpected Party’?
ANSWER: This is a question that someone asks every few years. It was probably more popular around the […]
Their host is short this time, not as short as the last one, but shorter than the bodies they’d had in their old life. #lordoftherings #thehobbit #fanartfriday #fanfiction
To be honest, I'm one of those who came to #tolkien with the #lotr movies. I saw the first one and bought and read the books prior to the second movie.
I understand that for longtime fans of the books the movies are ambivalent. Even in #lotr there were many changes beside leaving out the whole Tom Bombadil arc, replacing Glorfindel with Arwen etc. For #theHobbit the first movie covers 110 pages.
On the other hand, the movies set off a wave of new fantasy novels I would miss.
Regarding my last post; I’m currently reading #TheHobbit by J.R.R. #tolkien.
Last time I read it was prior to the movies an God, are these movies bad. So much unnecessary stuff in them.
However, my book version is quite nice, as it comes with illustrations by Alan Lee, the concept artist of #TheLordofTheRings movies.
It’s my first time #reading this book in English as well. I tried The Lord of the Rings like 15 years ago in English, but I was simply not good enough back then.
#happybirthday @elijahwood #elijahwood #actor #frodo #lordoftherings #thefellowshipofthering #thetwotowers #thereturnoftheking #thehobbit #backtothefuture2 #flipper #deepimpact #thefaculty #happyfeet #Bookworm #TheToxicAvenger #StarWars #Resistance #cooties #wilfred #thelastwitchhunter #dirkgentlysholisticdetectiveagency
Ten years, it had been ten very long years since Mandos had first stepped foot onto this terrible plane of existence. #fanfiction #fanart #lordoftherings #thehobbit
This is how Fëanor will die…at least today anyway. - https://thesilmarilchick.wordpress.com/2025/01/24/the-war-of-the-dead-chapter-21-the-turtle-fish-cometh/ #lordoftherings #thehobbit #fanart #fanfiction #mondayblogs