The awkward time of year when the summer weight duvet isn't warm enough & the winter weight duvet is too warm
Japanese saying "暑さ寒さも彼岸まで (atsusa samusa mo higan made)" [Summer heat or winter cold doesn't last beyond the equinox] seems to be coming true if 2-week forecast of Tokyo temperatures can be believed.
#Tokyo #TooHot #equinox #ClimateChange
Da air be hot
But da flor be kool
I spwall out
It nice on my tummy
Figgy comes
Figgy copys
He spwalls out
His tummy on da flor
Togeber, we be
Da mama, she awws
But it not be long
Til we wessle and chase
Sunbeam bwite
And sunbeam hot
I has a nap
In shady spot
Mama outside
Much too long
Dat hot too hot
Dat bwite too stwong
And now her hed
It hurty ake
I cuddles close
Big purrs I make
Why does every day in NE feel like it's soup now? Like, can we have one day where it's not baking hot with 100% humidity? #newengland #newenglandweather #toohot
Too hot to make trubble
Too hot to clime twees
Too hot to hunt bugs
And too hot to chase bees
Da hot makes me sleepy
Da hot makes me slo
I finds a cool spot
In da gwass, I lie low
We go outside
But not for long
Da sunbeam hot
And lots too stwong
We go bak in
All sleepyly
Da Figgy climes
Into da twee
All puddil soft
He starts to doze
Softly singing
From his noz
Just put a window AC unit in my office at home. I'm not a fan of window units in general, and have resisted one for a long long time. The last couple of days have been so horrible I just couldn't deal and broke down. In the 20 minutes its been on, my home office has gone from 92 to 81, and the humidity has dropped from 87 to 75%. I think I'm going to have to price out adding AC to the house as a whole now. #toohot
Altho it hot, I still wants out
I go to dor, I plee and pout
I go outside, I get my way
I go eksplor, I go and play
But it not long til I is done
Da hot too hot, it not be fun
I go inside, I not want mor
I turn to puddil on da flor
Sunbeam be hot
Boyling da air
Da hous like a oben
We all go downstairs
We sleeps ware it kool
Wen beddytime comes
Da mama's hed hurts
From all da big hot
I sleep beside mama
Protekting her, purring
Figgy comes too
And sings lollybye
You can't even see the full extent of my sweat. Train has no AC and it's cooler when the doors open! #toohot
Part of our land has been converted to a pasture for a friend's horses.
Said friend asked me to check on the horses regularly now that temperatures are soaring.
She wants me to make sure the horses are not in distress. I'm not sure what that would look like, but I suppose it would be obvious.
I said yes thinking I'd be able to peek out quickly and be done with it.
Of course the bloody nags have parked themselves in the farthest corner of the pasture, out of my line of sight.
So every two hours I have to face excruciating heat to go and see if they are still sans distress.
Opening the door is a lot like opening the oven, except there's no cake or pizza. I hold an old white curtain over my head as a makeshift parasol and I go as fast as I can, the sooner to get back inside where temperatures are still reasonable.
This heat is crazy. It's the hottest I've known it to be in the 8 years we've been living here. And it's only day 1 of the heat wave.
It's TOO HOT outside!
#KDSmiththeWriter #toohot #hotoutside #WritingCommunity
Hard freaking pass. Almost 80° after 10:30 at night. I don't think so. And with no A/C. Tomorrow should be warmer, too. Yay. #ClimateChange #HeatWave #TooHot