Und Gott sprach: "Lächle, es könnte schlimmer kommen."
Und er lächelte und es kam schlimmer:
Die US-Regierung unter #Trump hat Fördermittel für den Open Technology Fund (#OTF) blockiert.
Betroffen sind u.a. #LetsEncrypt, das #Tor-Netzwerk, #OpenVPN und F-Droid.
Der OTF klagt nun auf Freigabe der Mittel. Rund 650.000 $ fehlen allein für laufende Kosten im März.
We received this e-mail from #NordVPN today.
If we ever recommend them on our website, it's safe to assume we accepted their bribe.
Читать из России без #VPN:
Private #Browserfenster verhindern keine Identifikation im Netz.
Die #IP-Adresse und das Browser-#Fingerprinting ermöglichen weiterhin das Benutzer-#Tracking.
Wer wirkliche #Anonymität sucht, sollte auf Tools wie den #TorBrowser setzen. Doch auch der schützt nicht vor allen Gefahren.
seriously, wtf @cloudflare
this broke my vpn because the dns was set to instead of the actual ip.
(real ip obfuscated but you can clearly see it's different to
thankfully there is a workaround for now
Maybe a private VPN from a well regarded IP address block?
www.lowendtalk.com might be a good forum to ask about options if one were to consider such a route.
Un conseil de #VPN gratuit ou peu cher ? Je squattais le compte nordvpn d'une pote que son frangin lui payait pour je ne sais plus quelle raison mais l'abonnement a expiré snif
For different reasons I use a self hosted VPN located outside UK.
#TheGuardian recently began nagging me to go to the European edition but so far that's all. Presumably due to this change.
I use Brave browser so don't see ads.
Using a self hosted or #Mullvad #VPN is important these days, particularly in UK which is a surveillance state.
BBC #iPlayer also loves to abuse #privacy, recently stopped letting me use it to see what's on (not just blocking from watching content).
Just pushed some tweaks to the split tunneling script!
Now it properly filters out the VPN interface when selecting the gateway, fixing multi-line errors like `"inet address is expected"`.
Just pushed some tweaks to the split tunneling script!
Now it properly filters out the VPN interface when selecting the gateway, fixing multi-line errors like `"inet address is expected"`.
I never thought this would work out so well. I installed a #vpn on my smart tv and connected it to a country whose language I don’t understand. On my android tv, I can’t block #youtube ads—but now, with the vpn, youtube thinks I’m in a different country and shows me ads in that language. Since I can’t understand them, those seconds feel way less annoying!
A list of Digital Service Providers outside the jurisdiction of the United States of America.
This is a group project, so feel free to reach out if you have any suggestions, or learn any new information.
@StaceyCornelius In the past I did configure seperate systems for clients so they can travel without fuss regardless if "P.R." #China or #Russia or the #USA or #KSA...
Using @tails_live / @tails / #Tails and @torproject / #TorBrowser and when that's not an option, a #SSH-Tunnel / #OpenVPN or #WireGuard-#VPN to be able to #VNC into a machine.
CONSIDER THE #US ENEMY TERRITORY AS IN "If you wouldn't enter #NorthKorea, then why would you enter the USA?"