358 - X-Men vs. the Avengers #1 (12/23/1986)
The gig which reportedly got Silvestri the gig as regular penciler on Uncanny X-Men.
Cover by Marc Silvestri. Interiors by Roger Stern & Silvestri.
358 - X-Men vs. the Avengers #1 (12/23/1986)
The gig which reportedly got Silvestri the gig as regular penciler on Uncanny X-Men.
Cover by Marc Silvestri. Interiors by Roger Stern & Silvestri.
356 - Pro Action Magazine #1 Insert (12/21/1993)
Who's ready for some football?!?
Guest starring Holographic Howie Long!
Cover by Chris Marrinan. Interiors by Ralph Macchio & Marrinan.
347 - Excalibur Mojo Mayhem (12/12/1989)
A rare #Excalibur appearance, thanks to lil' X-Baby Wolvie front & center on this pseudo-annual's cover.
Cover by Arthur Adams & Terry Austin. Interiors by Chris Claremont & Adams
318 - New Mutants #97 (11/13/1990)
I like how Wolverine is roughly the same size as one of Cable's shoulder pads.
Cover by Rob Liefeld. Interiors by Louise Simonson & Guang Yap.
306 - The X-Men and the Micronauts #2 (11/1/1983)
Featuring an early Onslaught cameo!
Cover by Jackson Guice & Bob Wiacek. Interiors by Bill Mantlo, Chris Claremont & Guice.
298 -Astonishing X-Men (vol. 3) #55 (10/24/2012)
Neat concept here.
Cover by Phil Noto. Interiors by Marjorie Liu & Mike Perkins.
290 - X-Men #129 (10/16/1979)
Wolverine kicks off the "Dark Phoenix Saga" by browsing Penthouse at a malt shop.
Cover by John Byrne, Terry Austin & John Costanza. Interiors by Chris Claremont & Byrne.
243 - X-Men: God Loves Man Kills (8/30/1994)
This was the edition I read the first time I read this story.
Cover by Bill Sienkiewicz. Interiors by Chris Claremont & Brent Anderson.
233 - Ms. Marvel (vol. 3) #7 (8/20/1992)
Such great facial expressions on this one.
Cover by Jamie McKelvie & Matt Wilson. Interiors by G. Willow Wilson & Jake Wyatt.
233 - X-Men #139 (8/19/1980)
Do you call it the brown-and-tan, orange-and-tan, or brown-and-orange costume?
Regardless, it debuts in this issue.
Cover by John Byrne, Terry Austin & Jim Novak. Interiors by Chris Claremont & Byrne.
209 - X-Men Annual #6 (7/27/1982)
Just based on the sheer number released in July through the years, this project really reiterated how much of a "summer thing" annuals are
Cover by Bill Sienkiewicz. Interiors by Chris Claremont & Sienkiewicz.
206 - House of X #1 (7/24/2019)
Hard to believe it's been five years since this came out. Still feels like it was just, like, a few months ago.
Cover by Pepe Larraz & Marte Gracia. Interiors by Jonathan Hickman & Larraz.
185 - Wolverine Deep Cut #1 (7/3/2004)
For the first time, I'm featuring an issue on the same day it goes on sale!
Cover by Philip Tan & Sebastian Cheng. Interiors by Chris Claremont & Edgar Salazar.
169 - Classic X-Men #1 (6/17/1986)
Another iconic cover, with a drawing of Wolverine, at least, that made it onto some t-shirts (I had one of those, too).
Cover by Art Adams. Interiors by Len Wein & Dave Cockrum.
153 - Wolverine #1 (6/1/1982)
The single most iconic Wolverine cover ever? Discuss.
Cover by Frank Miller & Josef Rubinstein. Interiors by Chris Claremont & Miller.
112 - Marvel Tales #262 (4/21/1992)
Fun Sam Keith cover, though Wolverine just barely sneaks on there.
Cover by Sam Keith. Interiors by Bill Mantlo & John Byrne/Barry Dutter & Vince Evans
040 - Fantastic Four Roast #1 (2/9/1982)
Wolverine looks like he's hitting on Vision; any guesses on what he's saying?
Cover by Fred Hembeck & Terry Austin. Interiors by Hembeck, Jim Shooter & friends.
Also out today in 1984, Uncanny X-Men #181 from John Romita Jr. and Ron Zalme.
The X-Men return from Secret Wars to lounge on the logo.
022 - Marvel Comics Presents #72 (1/22/1991)
The beginning of Barry Windsor-Smith's seminal "Weapon X" serial!
Cover by Barry Windsor-Smith & Jackson Guice. Interiors by Barry Windsor-Smith.
020 - #UncannyXMen #520 (1/20/2010)
While both do cheesecake (in their ways), the whiplash between Dodson & Land in this era is striking.
Cover by Terry Dodson, Rachel Dodson & Justin Ponsor. Interiors by Matt Fraction & Greg Land