I've been informed these three good friends are from Amphibia, an animation I didn't know. it's Disney so they won't be allowed to be gay. let's see what ship wiki says...
> When creator Matt Braly was asked about shipping, he states that they left the relationship for the Calamity Trio open as the last thing he wants is to ruin someone's headcanon or ship. He continues, "So for me, especially in this story that is ultimately about friendship, and their friendship dynamic is to end the show in a way that is constructive and open. That’s basically what I’ll say to that is how we’ve worked very hard to have empathy for the people who are shipping these characters and at the same time do right by the show and its themes."
well that's a whole lot of words, Matt Braly...
> During a livestream, Matt Braly referred to Marcy and Sasha as Anne's "two girlfriends."
*now* you're speaking my language , Matt Braly
> Storyboard artist Alex Swanson started openly shipping Sashannarcy after news of Disney supporting the Don't Say Gay bill. They stated that they've always been scared of drawing gay fanart of things they've worked on in fear of being fired, though the situation with Disney has made them not care about what their employers think.[1][2]After that, Alex started posting and retweeting Yulivia and Sashannarcy fanart.