Starting to recreate this shot, today. The characters are already in basic static poses. And I've got shot cameras -- but they weren't animated yet.
So I'm starting with the camera direction -- picking some key frames to render. Note the reflections in the visor -- this is a tricky thing to control, because they only show up in the render, so it's one of the main thing I look for in my key frame renders.
Georgiana's head is turned to look at the console right now, and doesn't move, yet. Of course this is mostly a reaction shot, so her facial animation will be the main point of the shot (see the comparisons to the original version of the shot). But I'm not to that yet.
Bear in mind: the only shared model here is Georgiana's spacesuit. Georgiana's face/head model has been modified a lot, and the Soyuz module interior and acceleration couch are all new.
Pictures compare current (WIP) and original (Teaser Trailer) shots.
I need to check the timing to match the original. Then I'll probably block the character animation. And then adjust lighting -- I need to bring the cabin lights down, and add the special lighting, which includes a spotlight for the sunbeam and then a blue glow from the Earthlight. After looking at these, I think I'd better put in a flat reflector panel for the Earth, because I can see detail in the original reflection and of course, it's just black in the current shot. #Blender3D #Animation #LunaticsProject