Still available:
The Best of Christy (VHS, 1995, Full Screen)
New & sealed!
Starring Kellie Martin & Tyne Daily.
$6.97 shipped!
#eBay #eBayDeals #BuyItNow #Media #Movie #Movies #Christy #KellieMartin #TyneDaily #VHS #eBayStore #eBaySeller #Drama
Still available:
The Best of Christy (VHS, 1995, Full Screen)
New & sealed!
Starring Kellie Martin & Tyne Daily.
$6.97 shipped!
#eBay #eBayDeals #BuyItNow #Media #Movie #Movies #Christy #KellieMartin #TyneDaily #VHS #eBayStore #eBaySeller #Drama
Still available:
Christy The Sweetest Gift (VHS, 1995, Full Screen)
New & sealed!
Starring Kellie Martin & Tyne Daily.
$6.97 shipped!
#eBay #eBayDeals #BuyItNow #Movies #Christy #KellieMartin #TyneDaily #VHS #VHSTapes
Still available:
The Best of Christy (VHS, 1995, Full Screen)
New & sealed!
Starring Kellie Martin & Tyne Daily.
$6.97 shipped!
#eBay #eBayDeals #BuyItNow #Media #Movie #Movies #Christy #KellieMartin #TyneDaily #VHS #eBayStore #eBaySeller #Drama
Still available:
Christy The Sweetest Gift (VHS, 1995, Full Screen)
New & sealed!
Starring Kellie Martin & Tyne Daily.
$6.97 shipped!
#eBay #eBayDeals #BuyItNow #Movies #Christy #KellieMartin #TyneDaily #VHS #VHSTapes
@nrc_nl zeker als je het vergelijkt met het debat tussen de laatst overgeblevenen, later die nacht, was de afscheids speech van #christy een wonder van welbespraaktheid.
Het debat een absoluut dieptepunt in de amerikaanse politiek. In de trump-partij is de waarheid inmiddels goedkoper dan een slechte grap geworden.
Portrait of June #Christy and #BobCooper, 1947 or 1948
Portrait of June #Christy and #PeteRugolo, 1947 or 1948
Portrait of June #Christy and #BobCooper, 1947 or 1948
Portrait of June #Christy and #BobCooper, 1947 or 1948
Portrait of June #Christy and #BobCooper, 1947 or 1948
Portrait of June #Christy and #BobCooper, 1947 or 1948
Portrait of June #Christy and #BobCooper, 1947 or 1948
Portrait of June #Christy and #PeteRugolo, 1947 or 1948
Portrait of June #Christy and #BobCooper, 1947 or 1948
Portrait of June #Christy and #BobCooper, 1947 or 1948
Portrait of June #Christy, #GeorgieAuld, and #RedRodney, #ClubTroubadour, #NewYork, #N.Y., ca. Sept. 1947
RIP Christy Dignam. In mid-May 1989 I should’ve been more focused on revising for the Leaving Cert exams but instead I was heading up to the SFX to see Something Happens and Christy Dignam. Christy was out of Aslan at the time and my memory of this solo gig is that he was a huge, dynamic, natural talent on a stage that was simply too tiny for him. Anyway, some great memories coming up tonight, thank you Christy. #ChristyDignam #Christy #Aslan #RIP #Ireland #Dublin #SFX #Dublin #Mastodaoine
5-0. Marca #Christy #Ucheibe após excelente trabalho de Pauleta #SLBenficaFem!