5 Ways #Christians Say to Read the #Bible – And Why They All Fail
#christianity #atheism #atheist #deconstruction #religion #religious #cults #apologetics #philosophy
Why #Deconstructing From #Evangelical #Christianity Is SO Important and SO Difficult
#deconstructingchristianity #exvangelical #exchristian
This is a short clip from a full episode of The Kayse Melone Show. Here, I talk about why I think #Deconstruction from Evangelical #Fundamentalist Christianity is so important. Also, what happens after we go through Deconstruction?
By Deconstructing Buildings With Care, Materials Get a Second Life
"21 DOGE staffers resign, saying they won't help 'dismantle' public services"
This news has been shared on the Fediverse from other sources, I'm sending this version from @npr as it gives more detail send, frankly is just better quality journalism.
#DOGE #trump #musk #FailedStateUSA #deconstruction #usds
La Déconstruction : Entre Libération et Fragmentation
Nouveau billet : Explorez les enjeux de la déconstruction individuelle et collective. De la libération personnelle aux risques de fragmentation sociale, découvrez les promesses et les pièges de cette approche controversée. #Déconstruction #PenséeCritique #IdentitéCollective La déconstruction, qu'elle soit individuelle ou collective, est un processus complexe qui vise à remettre en question nos structures de pensée…
La Déconstruction : Dévoiler les Non-dits du Texte
Nouveau billet : Explorez la pratique révolutionnaire de Derrida. Découvrez comment la déconstruction nous invite à repenser notre rapport au texte et au langage, révélant les contradictions et les richesses cachées du sens. #Philosophie #Déconstruction #Derrida #AnalyseCritique La déconstruction, développée par Jacques Derrida, est bien plus qu'une simple méthode d'analyse littéraire. C'est une pratique…
Les Institutions Oppressives : Comprendre les Structures de Domination
Nouveau billet : "Les Institutions Oppressives : Structures de Domination" Plongez dans l'analyse des institutions qui perpétuent les oppressions systémiques. Du patriarcat au capitalisme, découvrez comment ces structures façonnent notre société et comment les déconstruire. #Sociologie #Oppression #JusticeSociale #Déconstruction Dans notre quête d'une société plus juste, il est crucial d'examiner…
La Différance de Derrida : Au-delà des Oppositions Binaires
Nouveau billet : "La Différance de Derrida : Au-delà des Oppositions Binaires" Plongez dans le concept de "différance" de Derrida. Découvrez comment cette notion révolutionnaire remet en question notre compréhension du langage et du sens, ouvrant la voie à une pensée plus nuancée. #Philosophie #Derrida #Différance #Déconstruction Jacques Derrida, figure emblématique de la déconstruction, a introduit le…
La Déconstruction : Une Approche Post-moderne pour Repenser nos Structures
Nouveau billet : "La Déconstruction : Repenser nos Structures" Explorez l'approche post-moderne qui remet en question nos certitudes. De Derrida aux rapports de pouvoir, découvrez comment la déconstruction nous invite à repenser notre monde et nous-mêmes. #Philosophie #Déconstruction #PostModernisme #PenséeCritique La déconstruction, concept phare de la pensée post-moderne et…
PS: the dissertation i didn’t get to write on Latin American neobaroque aesthetics ―from colonial times to then, the 1990s post-juntas years―, was gonna be me flexing post-structural hermeneutics based on the works of Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari but especially 1990s up and coming scholars like Chakravorty-Spivak and Kosofsky-Sedwig. and that means i actually read Nietzsche, upon which a lot of their work is found.
all this to say, #deconstruction is absofuckinglutely my lane.
1. stop parroting the faux intellectualism of fascists. #deconstruction is an antifascist form of academic analysis. what they mean is destruction.
2. #EpistemicViolence is censorship of all kinds. it’s meant to create a false narrative of agreement.
3. like “Gulf of America” #EpistemologicalViolence is meant to completely change reality by destroying all social contracts.
recognize these forms of violence. violence isn’t only by guns. it’s always by ideology first and foremost. /
BTW some points about #DOGE and #Project2025
1. do not call it #deconstruction of the federal government. deconstruction is inherently antifascist, as it intends to break apart THRU EPISTEMOLOGICAL ANALYSIS, the lies that sustain hegemonic ―and by default― authoritarian power.
2. what we are seeing is a build up of a fascist apparatus that the oligarchs can control directly. in other words, they’re cocooning the federal government with technologies for their technocratic dictatorship…
"I Was WRONG!" A Former #Evangelical #Christian #Pastor Confesses After Serving 30 Years in the #Ministry
"When I first went into one of the Detroit homes that was slated for demolition, I saw the lumber and just how beautiful it was because a lot of it came from the original old-growth forests of Michigan, and it’s just lumber that you can’t get today."
Encres sur papier aquarelle
13 x 13 cm
#pierre #memoire #origines
#Vivante #transformation #construction #deconstruction #now #maintenant #present #ici
#time #reinvent #present #taketime
#citadelle #malta #limestone #surreal #alchimie #healingstone #roch #be #alive #alchimie #contemporarydrawing #ink #illustration #art
#dessin #encre #plume #kalam
…creemos que son felices, pero brillan porque es su manera de sobrevivir la noche.
autorretrato, serie deconstrucción
#visualart #artvisuel #arteVisual #bildendeKunst #photography #photographie #fotografie #fotografía #autorretrato #BlackAndWhite #noirEtBlanc #blancoYnegro #schwarzWeiss #deconstruction #motionblur
Liste des sénateurs pour l’amendement «visant à sortir la France du piège du #narcotrafic» en procédure accélérée.
Ou comment lire les conversations privées de quiconque : #dissidents, #deviants, #ecologiste, #journaliste, #islamogauchiste, #woke, #lgbtq, #juif, #FeministeHysterique, #KhmerVert, #BoboGauchiste, #BienPensance, #DictatureLGBT, #LobbyLGBT, #Deconstruction, #CancelCulture, #MinoritesBruyantes
#Flaws in #Religious #Arguments You Should Know
Have you ever #questioned the reasoning behind #religiousarguments? In this video, we uncover the most common flaws in religious #reasoning, breaking down the #logical #fallacies that are often used to defend organized #religion. From #circularreasoning to appeals to #fear, we explore how these tactics fail to hold up under scrutiny.
#atheism #atheist #deconstruction #god