GFX4dESP32 (1.1.3) for esp32 by 4D Systems Pty Ltd
Graphics Library for the gen4-ESP32 displays by 4D Systems
GFX4dESP32 (1.1.3) for esp32 by 4D Systems Pty Ltd
Graphics Library for the gen4-ESP32 displays by 4D Systems
Idea for this PR is to add a network bridge mode for repeaters.
This will let you take multiple LoRa radios, setup meshcore repeater firmware and listen on any number of channels or with different antenna setups and bridge the routing across those different channels with a shared Wifi link(the two dotted white boxes).
I've tested it for a few days and it's pretty amazing to see meshcore automatically finding bridged routes.
Writing my first meshcore PR
It's still a work-in progress, but having a lot of fun learning this code base!
Morgen mal wieder etwas herumbasteln. Den Kram irgendwie in die Kiste reinzubekommen ist nicht trivial. Heute war ich noch nicht fit genug.
#basteln #elektronik #esp32 #3ddruck
LiteLED (2.0.2) for esp32 by Xylopyrographer
Light weight library for driving one or more WS2812B, SK6812, APA106, SM16703 RGB LED strips.
[#RootedCON25]“Une fonctionnalité cachée pouvant servir de porte dérobée dans l' #ESP32” : exposition de millions de dispositifs-IoTs via une vulnérabilité #Bluetooth et Wi-fi !
Sensirion UPT I2C Auto Detection (0.3.2) for esp32 by Jonas Stolle, Maximilian Paulsen
Automatically detects Sensirion Sensors on an I2C bus and reads out measurement data.
FlyingCam is a Sweet DIY Webcam on a Stick #classichacks #ESP32camera #ESP32 #ikea
FlyingCam is a Sweet DIY Webcam on a Stick - Imagine you want to monitor a pot on the stove to see if it’s boiling over for jus... - #classichacks #esp32camera #esp32 #ikea
ESPShell (0.99.7) for esp32 by Viacheslav Logunov
This library adds a command line interface (CLI) to your sketch. CLI can be used for development or debugging, with all commands built-in: provides access to I2C, UART, filesystem, GPIO's etc
woah, exactly as theorised by literally everyone that isn't fucking racist: #ESP32 "#backdoor" was just sensationalised by a security firm in order to get clicks for their own blog post which is basically just advertising their services
big conflict of interest. who knew that the biggest security violation will always be capitalist motives
MLX90377_SENT (0.3.2) for esp32 by Christian Port
MLX90377 magnetic encoder via SENT receiver
Does anyone happen to know if the #ESP32 modules ESP32-C3-MINI-1U-N4X or ESP32-C3-MINI-1U-H4X are available?
It is a ESP32-C3 miniature module that I want to use in a prototype. It seems like a perfect fit, but their own documentation says to not use the ones I can actually purchase.
I don't mind buying it, I just can't find a distributor and asking them for a distributor or sample involves filling out a 20 page form with personal information that they don't need.
Un grupo de investigadores ha descubierto un agujero de seguridad en el popular microcontrolador ESP32 cuyo uso está ampliamente extendido en el ámbito del IoT. Lo que han encontrado es una serie de comandos ocultos en la controladora de Bluetooth destinados a la depuración, pero que se pueden usar para infectar el dispositivo #esp32 ->
Für einen kurzen Moment sah es so aus, als ob die Geschichte der Killer-Zahnbürsten nun doch Realität geworden ist: Auf allen einschlägigen Tech-Portalen machte am Wochenende die Geschichte einer Backdoor im #ESP32-Microchip die Runde. Spanische Forscher hatten diese an einer Konferenz in Madrid vorgestellt. Dieser Chip ist weltweit milliardenfach in IoT-Geräte verbaut, eine von aussen angreifbare Lücke wäre definitiv gefährlich. Aber es ist nur normales Debugging…
Does anyone know QEMU well? I'm trying to figure out how to control the virtual TMP105 built into the #ESP32 fork of QEMU. If I build/run with " qemu" it magically works (reads from the virtual I2C TMP105 at addr 0x48). How do I change the temp in qemu? #iot #microcontroller
@7eace seems to be slightly overblown. Also good response from Espressif: #ESP32