Es ist wieder das eine Mal im Jahr, dann kommt der schönste „Job“ die geilste Zeit, die liebsten Menschen und es heißt es ist wieder #IndieArenaBooth auf der #Gamescom
Might be a little bit late to the #highlights of #2024 party, but here are mine:
Sledging and hiking with my family in the Austrian Alps around New Year’s Eve, and visiting my emigrated brother and nephews.
Attending #Gamescom LAN in Cologne with friends and colleagues playing some good old games for a few days
Teaching my 8-year-old son snorkeling in the coral reefs of the Red Sea in #Egypt in April.
Our next #gamescom interview: #microprose doesn't only publish sports games and sports games! With "Let Bions be Bygones", they publish Serbian dev studio's #BohemianPulp latest very atmospheric and pixelated thriller in which you choose your unique path in this narrative future-noir thriller.
We spoke to co-founder Đorđe Marković about the game which was already released in April this year and can be found at Steam:
Enjoy the interview at
So, fast #wochenende !
Was liegt an bei euch?
Party? Zocken?
Oder arbeiten?
#letsgoretronom #retronomarcade #bestegäste
#RETROGAMING #retrogames #Retro #arcade #Nerds #NRW #gaming #gamersunite #startup #startups #ruhrpott #pewpew #gamescom #gamescom2024
Check out our interview with Maria Zubova from #Assemble about Mira : Legend of the Djinns. We meet her at #gamescom and had a very nice talk and of course also some interesting game impressions!
At this year's #gamescom we also had the pleasure to interview game dev #siactro aka Marcus Horn who is well-known for his platformer smash hit 'Toree 3D' and his love for N64 low poly aesthetics.
Tune in!
NEU bei VSG von @kepuexe
Welche Titel auf der gamescom 2024 haben mich persönlich angesprochen? Hier findet ihr meine Übersicht.
Gern teilen!
Der Mattus durfte auf der #gamescom2024 dem Männerquatsch Podcast etwas zum Retronom ins Mikro husten, zu hören ab 2:36!
#letsgoretronom #retronomarcade #bestegäste
#RETROGAMING #retrogames #Retro #arcade #Nerds #NRW #gaming #gamersunite #startup #gamescom #podcast #podcasts
We had a chat with #sacragamemusicat #gamescom
'24. Established in April 2017 as an independent label within #sonymusic, SACRA GAME MUSIC focusses on anime songs and of course game music.
Check out our video interview for some interesting insights:
#RetroGamesLTD invited us to a secret presentation at their publisher #Plaion at #gamescom
this year, at which they revealed their full sized release of the #ZXSpectrum, a first that this has been done in the #retro #gaming community! We talk with Darren Melbourne and Chris Smith for this one and learn all about the challenges of bringing this to the fans! Watch the glorious interview at:
IFA 2024: Highlights und Impressionen von der Messe
Die Jubiläums-IFA ist zu Ende; die Redaktion wirft einen Blick zurück.
Der etwas andere #Gamescom Rückblick. Mental Health-Spiele auf der #Gamescom2024.
Eine wirklich hörenswerte Podcast Folge von @BehindTheScreens , die darin einen Bereich des #Gaming beleuchten, der in den großen Gaming-Magazinen eher selten im Blick- und Mittelpunkt steht.
Generell und grundsätzlich ein sehr guter Kanal, wenn ihr an psychologischen Hintergründen interessiert seid, die über die "normalen" Berichterstattungen zu Spielen hinaus gehen.
With so much fanfare for big players in the gaming industry, is Germany's Gamescom a space reserved only for the giants? Japan's indie developers disagree. #life #digital #gamescom #videogames #japan #tokyo
Wahahahaaaa! I'm at least as dangerous as Bowser!
Okay, I might be more floofy. And friendly. And... uhh...
Happy Fursuit Friday!
These Pictures were made at the Gamescom!
Link to Squiddys:
En attendant l'épisode 100, #ZQSD n°101 est en ligne.
On y parle des jeux de l'été, ceux qu'on a vus à la #Gamescom comme ceux auxquels on a joués avachis avec notre #Steamdeck en surchauffe au bord de la piscine du camping de l'Oursin qui suinte (Honfleur).
Schöne Dinge. Noch ein etwas ausführlicherer Rundgang durch den Indie-Bereich der vergangenen #gamescom2024.
Announcing Sea Sniffers!
A cozy ocean exploration game!
Join Kiwi & Momi as they become Sea Sniffers: Brave explorers who dedicate their lives to uncovering the mysteries of the world’s vast oceans!
Take a look at our teaser!
"So I went to Gamescom" - just a quick post on my journey to Gamescom. #indiedev #gamescom