easiest metaphor for understanding how to prevent #covid transmission: how would you adjust your behavior if instead of exhaling #virus, someone was exhaling #cigarette smoke?
(this won’t work if, for whatever reason, you don’t mind inhaling second smoke)
you know that the more smoke you inhale, the sicker you’re going to feel
so what would you do?
first things first, you might suggest the person smoking #isolate themselves by going to some kind of smoking room or area
barring that, you would adjust your behavior to protect yourself
if you were outside, you might take a step back
if a whole crowd of people were smoking, even outside, you might stand away from the crowd
if you were indoors, you would probably open some doors or windows if possible
maybe you’d turn on a fan or an air filtration system of some kind (like a #hepafilter )
if you were stuck in a situation where smoke was accumulating in the air (remember the haze in the air in bars in the 90s?) you might try doing what you could to cover your nose and mouth (like wearing a #mask or #respirator)
it’s possible that none of these methods on their own seem useful but if you picture COVID accumulating in the air like smoke, you can see how a combination of these methods might #cleartheair and make it easier to breathe
it’s unlikely that you would sit back watching the room fill with smoke and tell yourself there’s nothing to be done
not when there absolutely is