The amazing looking Chaos Spawn Khornedog kindly sent to me by Wargame Exclusive painted up using the new John Blanche paint set by The Army Painter. There is so much detail on this model, and it was an absolute joy to paint.
The amazing looking Chaos Spawn Khornedog kindly sent to me by Wargame Exclusive painted up using the new John Blanche paint set by The Army Painter. There is so much detail on this model, and it was an absolute joy to paint.
Tomorrow I need to ride my bicycle, then I can see about laying down some more ground paste here where holes open up, if necessary, adding basing details, and adding the SLDF logos. Then it'll be matte finish all over and gloss finish with a brush for spots I want shiny.
#HobbyStreak day 1213
School #WarhammerAlliance - lots of running around while getting a bunch of really passive bastards off their phones and onto making #Frostgrave warbands.
Taught them how to do a #zenithal primer and follow that with #Vallejo #ExpressPaints for quick results, and how to apply basing sand.
In the meantime I painted the basis of a dwarven airship for #ageofsigmar
This dude for a #forbiddenlands #solottrpg play. I needed a Necro-Druid and looked to and painted him like this. #miniaturepainting #paintingminis #reaper #necro #druid
Made some good progress on these Monsta-Killaz today. The big fella has soooo many details. New video is on YouTube. This week I show how to paint a Raven Guard Space Marine, ideal for learning how to paint great looking black armour on your models.
#Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer40K #Warhammer40000 #GamesWorkshop #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingMiniatures #PaintingMinis #BoardGames #YouTube #Nerdlings @warhammercommunity
@nerdlings this week's #MiniatureHighlights, #ICYMI, I picked up some lovingly painted and fun models for you!
A bone effigy by @eldavephoto
An impressive ginger aggro dude by @julienmindel
Rebecca, who's walking home alone at night by @pivotal
A space soldier by @Podryban
Looking forward to more finished models!
When the time comes, will the children of Nicholas Kerensky's madness be able to deal with... THE CHODENJI YOYO? CHODENJI TATSUMAKI?! CHODENJI SPIN!
Who's down to take their battlemechs up against the latest recruits to the SLDF Wayward Son?
Tested out the John Blanche paint set from the Army Painter by painting up this Plague Marine. I'm really happy with how it came out, and I can say the new paints are 100 times better than the old ones!
Adherent #5!
Continuing to practice volumetric highlights on black armor. I feel like I’ve improved a bit on this last fella - I wouldn’t say I’ve gotten the hang of it but I’ve “ruled out” some brushstrokes
Some new paints arrived! I'm looking forward to giving these a try and trying to paint in the John Blanche style. It's been a long time since I've used The Army Painter paints, but I've heard they have gotten a lot better in recent years.
They watch from the corner at the party, commenting quietly to each other.
A bust from Reaper.
Some new mechs getting ready to join the SLDF Wayward Son!
#Battletech #AlphaStrike #paintingMinis #miniatures #painting #paintingMiniatures #miniaturePainting #Mazinger
#Getter #CombattlerV #SuperRobotWars #SuperRobotTaisen