@steely_glint @voltur In terms of people I know: @hanshuebner was certainly a "creative" user of X.25 back in the day and still plays with it today, primarily in the context of VAX machines, AFAICT. #retronetworking
@steely_glint @voltur In terms of people I know: @hanshuebner was certainly a "creative" user of X.25 back in the day and still plays with it today, primarily in the context of VAX machines, AFAICT. #retronetworking
upstream #linux #kernel developers talking about removing the in-kernel echo cancellation code that has no in-tree users anymore (however, out-of-tree DAHDI can optionally make use of it). See https://lkml.org/lkml/2025/2/23/416 and the responses for details. I don't think it's critical at all. #retronetworking
@vwestlife #Funfact: In #Europe, #Cband dishes weren't common so #SatelliteInternet used simiar #Tuner cards with #VSAT terminals, usually accepting downlinks from regular commercial #TV #satellites that were just data channels on #ASTRA and/or #Eutelsat #HotBird in the #KuBand...
I've got one of those:
Basically a #Router with some #Linux on Ethernet, Power & F-Screw-Connector on the rear, #56k& #ISDN #Modem|s and USB up-front.
I really want to get this #Force10 C300 switch into the #HomeLab to play with, but the thing is so damn heavy. Its lived on this cart for like four years now because moving it anywhere else is too arduous.
On top of that is some #Avaya #IPOffice gear, though, and we will definitely be connecting that up to the telephony lab.
There have been *so many* great responses, and thank you everyone for contributing! I got some great new #telephony, #RetroNetworking, and #HomeLab contacts and tags to follow, including the formerly-elusive #OtherNetworks tag!
I know that one of the things that people do on enthusiast retro phone networks is hold 'test calls' to other 'subscribers,' with increasingly esoteric equipment.
Is there an in-group term for these 'test calls' that's analagous to QSOs in the #HamRadio world?
@loriemerson @w8emv @mediaarchaeologylab I'd probably have never found the #othernetworks tag on my own (like the elsewhere-mentioned #retronetworking tag), looking forward to falling down that rabbit hole!
I've not yet personally played with #appletalk beyond some scratchy memories as a user from long-enough-ago, but do recall some recent posts where people were playing with it -- and trying to run it over barbed wire or something? Not sure if that's the same group, but it looked fun.
Netatalk 4 unterstützt dankenswerterweise wieder DDP/„AppleTalk“ sowie alte AFP-Level, die zuvor in Netatalk 3 entfernt waren.
Ein Gutteil des Nutzens von Netatalk war aber schon lange die „Brücke“ von Alt- zu Neugeräten. Das wurde im Team erkannt und es fanden sich Personen, die die alten Protokolle wieder einbauten. Kudos!
Mit Netatalk 4 kann man nun aktuelle Macs und alte 68k-/PowerPC-Macs an einen gemeinsamen AFP-Fileserver hängen.
Auf knubbelmac.de vergleichen wir AFP-Server mit ihren Features und Voraussetzungen: http://www.knubbelmac.de/themen/afp-server-vergleich.html
IGHFt (communications museum dresden) has just acquired a NZ96D (digital PBX built in 1988 in thr GDR) in ots original wooden crates, brand new. #retronetworking #telephony #gdr #ddr https://www.tag24.de/dresden/kultur-leute/museum-in-dresden-erinnert-an-meilensteine-der-telefonie-und-wird-jetzt-groesser-3347937
@ety @Athena @LaF0rge maybe and the hashtag #retronetworking
The German language podcast "Besser Wissen - Alles über ein Netz" by @Golemde chatting with me about #ISDN history / #retronetworking has just been released at https://besserwissen.podigee.io/120-isdn
Oh, der #Golem #BesserWissen #Podcast spricht in der aktuellen Folge mit @LaF0rge über #ISDN.
Dabei geht es neben dem historischen #Bundespost/Telekom-Netz u.a. auch um das ISDN-Netz auf dem #CCCamp und dem #38C3 mit Exkursen zum analogen #Telefonnetz und #Modem / #Akustikkoppler / #Datenklo / #DSL / #Musiktaxi.
"Alles über ein Netz: Wie ISDN die Telekommunikation der Bundesrepublik veränderte"
At #38C3 I received a new addidion to my #ISDN related #retronetworking collection of vintage tech: A Siemens K4301 Up0/S0 error meter: https://osmocom.org/projects/retronetworking/wiki/Siemens_K4301
Exzellenter umfangreicher Artikel ueber die Entwicklung digitaler Schaltkreise fuer digitale Uebertagung und Vermittlung von Telefonie in der DDR: http://www.gheinz.de/publications/berliner_ics/index.htm #retronetworking #isdn #gdr #telephony
Im getting something that vaguely resembles PPP frames, but pppd doesn't recognize them. Probably because they are somehow corrupted.
Tonight (Jan 1st) at 20:00 CET, we'll have a RetroNetCall with some reports from the #38C3 #ISDN network operations. Everyone interested is invited to join us. Details at https://osmocom.org/projects/retronetworking/wiki/RetroNetCall #retronetworking
c3isdn says goodbye for #38c3 - it was an amazing event, and a lot of work. Technically the network worked fine at least on day2/3/4. We've had some problems with PPP services and lots of ideas of what and how to improve next time. Reach out if you want to get involved. Thanks to the tireless helping hands, specifically jolly, crx, gruetzkopf, xent, kolloid, dreieck, the @eventphone team and @c3noc as well as all our users #retronetworking
BBS access from everywhere and from anything #retrocomputing #retronetworking #38C3 @c3bbs @c3isdn
@HoffmanLabs Early Cisco Routers, like the white-sheet-metal AGS or MGS (~1989++, red bridge logo) had similar behaviour. The ethernet interfaces were TurboBus cards, that booted separatedly from the main (68030/68040) CPU. So you could ping the configured interface, before the router was up and running.
These Cisco routers ran IOS 6 or 7, stored in EPROM chips. No NAT in there, that wasn’t really invented yet.
We operate a (dual 10 MBit) Cisco AGS as part of our https://www.freiȼix.net project.
As we have built a #SDH network with Add-Drop Multiplexers across the entire CCH building complex, we can also offer E1 trunking services unrelated to ISDN. This means you can e.g. connect two retro cisco routers located at different parts of CCH via frame relay over E1 [carried over our SDH backbone]. #retronetworking #38c3
Spoiler Alert: The break-up of AT&T in the early 80's directly lead to the development of UTP. I did NOT know that when I woke up this morning!
#retrocomputing #til #todayilearned #retronetworking #theserialport #clabretro
TWISTED: The dramatic history of twisted-pair Ethernet https://youtube.com/watch?v=f8PP5IHsL8Y