It's still a nifty little machine. The body is a wee bit beat up: The hinge took some abuse when it fell face-first one time, so it opens way more than it should, and the screws holding it together eventually fatigued the thin aluminum frame near the hinges to the point that I had to get bigger screws, because the holes became larger than the stock screw heads.
There is one piece of blue painter's tape holding the left part of the hinge together, because I got tired of screwing it back together every few days.
But for the money, especially back in 2021, it's been a great little machine. I could only properly replace it with a machine of comparable or less weight, so I guess I'll save up a little bit for a used X1 Carbon.
Mine will be 4 years old of nearly daily use (definitely daily use until early last year when I got my #Thinkpad X260) in a little less than a couple months! :D
Not sure I can recommend it new today, as the hardware is over five years old. And of course, the webcam is useless, the trackpad is a pain, and Linux on ARM is still not a fun experience.
But the screen is crisp and lovely, and at least I feel like the keyboard is a joy to type on.