Was sorely tempted to buy a new graphics card just now. It would have stretched my finances for a while, but I'd been waiting for the new AMD Radeon 9000 series to come out and one turned up in stock that met my criteria.
Unfortunately (or fortunately), the internet made the decision for me, it was out of stock before I decided to push the button.
Vi kommer att uppgradera till den nya och senaste versionen av Mastodon idag kl 12.
Den fixar en bugg med bilduppladdning från iOS 18, filtrering av språk i flödet och en UI bugg (gränssnitt).
Det kommer bli ett kort avbrott men förhoppningsvis så kort att det inte märks.
Aktuell status går att se här: https://status.mastodon.nu
Detaljer om uppdateringen: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/releases/tag/v4.3.5
Looks like AMD have created the same fiasco as Nvidia did with the release of their new 9000 series of Radeon GPU's. No stock anywhere and one online supplier having to use Cloudflare's waiting room facility to avoid server overload
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#AIComedy #AIJokes #DailyLaughs #NewsJokes #AIGeneratedJokes
YunoHost Mastodon Upgrade
Ich habe vorhin meine unter YunoHost gehostete Mastodon Instanz (zum ersten mal) geupdatet.
Ich denke jeder der eine eigene Mastodon Instanz in YunoHost installiert hat wird wissen wie er diese updatet, ich habe im nachhinein allerdings ein paar Änderungen vorgenommen, die für andere vielleicht auch interessant sein könnten.
Zuerst müssen wir in der SSH mittels SU in den SuperUser oder root Modus wechseln.
Dann wechseln wir in das Mastodon Verzeichnis.
cd /var/www/mastodon/live
#fediverse #hilfe #howTo #mastodon #seymour #umfrageoptionenErhöhen #update #upgrade #yuno #yunohost #zeichenzahlErhöhen #zusatzfelderErhöhen #Mastodon
Link: https://mapf.net/f02n · Homepage: MaPf.net
Big thanks to the #Mastodon maintainers for such an easy #upgrade to 4.3.4.
Ah, the grand odyssey of #postmarketOS continues to stagger forward —now with slightly less incomprehensible #audio on ancient MSM89x7 chips and a small army of #Xiaomi devices pretending to care
. Meanwhile, our heroes bravely face the Sisyphean task of explaining anything tech-related to mere mortals
https://postmarketos.org/blog/2025/03/04/pmOS-update-2025-02/ #ancientTech #upgrade #techExplainers #openSource #HackerNews #ngated
Hey @jloc0 , it's @martindehf writing from my english-speaking account :)
I want to update my current system but the documentation is a bit outdated and it doesn't take into account that:
- I have installed GRUB
- Multilib
- Used sbopkg to install some packages
- User slackpkg+ to install some packages from alienbob's repo.
Any tips or links would be greatly appreciated :D
Upgraded my Mastodon instances to v4.3.4 from v4.3.2 finally.
With containers it's relatively painless.
That said, I really would like the Mastodon admin interface have settings for post lengths and number of poll items.
It's a bit of a pain to vet and correct whether ./app/javascript/mastodon/features/compose/containers/compose_form_container.js, ./app/validators/status_length_validator.rb, and ./app/validators/poll* need to be changed/updated/migrated for every new minor release. Not a big deal, truly, but it is something to fat finger and something else to track in your environment.
Mastodon is fabulous and complex but a little addition like this would go a long way to ease admin burdens.
cc: @Gargron
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#AILaughs #ComedyGold #DailyLaughs #VisitUsNow #LaughWithAI
#Flummikuzius der #Techniker
#Upgrade #openSuse Leap 15.5 auf 15.6
Bin gespannt ob es klappt, bisher sieht es gut aus.
New entry of AI-generated #comics and #jokes added to our #website:
#Military #Night #Vision #Upgrade
#Jokes #ComedyGold #VisitUsNow #AILaughs #AIGeneratedJokes
Daan Tech qui vend un kit qui permettant d'upgrader les produits Bob déjà vendus (mini lave-vaisselle) sans tout changer, en remplaçant juste quelques composants. Une démarche très geek et à l'inverse de la politique d'obsolescence programmée des autres marques... Franchement. Chapeau. Les mentalités sont en train de changer. Bientôt des kits à imprimer soi-même avec une imprimante 3D ? #DaanTech #Bob #ObsolescendeProgrammée #Upgrade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rawjB84dCas
Now @thomascountz is giving a talk "From #Legacy to Latest: How #Zendesk Upgraded a #Monolith to #Rails 8.0 Overnight" at #rubycommunityconference.
Also, it's not very obvious in the photo but the slides have an amazing console #ASCII style.
Framework: Desktops are Next (Year of Linux Desktop Gaming): https://boilingsteam.com/framework-desktops-are-next/
#linux #linuxgaming #update #release #hardware #gaming #framework #bazzite #playtron #desktop #upgrade #ai #llm
Vi har precis uppdaterat till den senaste versionen av Mastodon, 4.3.4.
Denna version innehåller främst säkerhetsuppdateringar.
Hör gärna av er om ni märker något konstigt:
#mastodonnu #4.3.4 #upgrade
It's busy at our shipyard… While we’re still polishing the planks and checking the rigging, a new generation will set sail, rather sooner than later. Are you still working with DEVONthink 2? Now is a good time to upgrade to DEVONthink 3 at good price! #devonthink #upgrade https://buff.ly/41zO2mX
If you're a Windows 10 user about to upgrade to Windows 11, there’s a lot you can do to make Windows 11 work more like the Windows 10 you’re used to — without a drag on your productivity.
#microsoft #windows11 #windows10 #upgrade