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Lovecraft era un racista, reconocido, sobre todo en su juventud...

Creo que no podemos obviar el arte de personas machistas/misóginas/racistas,etc... porque nos quedaríamos sin más de la mitad de la historia cultural. Yo si es gente muerta no tengo problema, lo asimilo, lo acepto a pesar de la decepción. Es nuestro pasado. Con las vivas ya es diferente.

Es un tema delicado. Tú cómo lo llevas, eres capaz de separar a la persona de su arte?

Replied in thread

As pointed out (great article, great synthesis, btw), it can be expensive to build LLMs, let alone ethically trained ones. Prohibitively so? There are LLMs available. Some open groups are training on public domain. Some corporations are investing and paying for data. They see charging for use of legal and litigation-safe services as good business and good PR; IBM was doing this 2 years ago.

Moreover, these companies are curating what the AI learns, what it can spew back.

If Meta became known for creating the AI that nuked Atlanta, especially because they were too greedy to spend money to do it right, might they regret it? Might Facebook become radioactive? Might free riding on the knowledge of generations of authors and scientists prove costly, never mind immoral? Does all knowledge yearn to be free? Must we then free it?

Meta is proving greed is evil not good.


#WritersCoffeeClub #WCC 2503.20 — What was the most writing-related fun you’ve had?

Being able to write a chapter, albeit a short one, with maximum concision and precision, revising and publishing it every day has proven both fun and exhilarating. That I can do it from zero idea to stick a fork in it most days, more so.

I've spoken at conventions; it's fun, but I'm shy so that fun has its limits.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]


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#writing #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon #writers

#WritersCoffeeClub #WCC 2503.19 — What’s your narrator’s sense of humor like?

In third person, close to non-existent. I try to objectively state what the POV character can and nothing more. If the narrator is allowed a more inclusive view, it's to describe what is obvious or known to the POV but the reader needs to know. If something that IS is ALSO funny, so be it.

In first person, the humor exactly matches the character's humor as the POV is the narrator. The difference between the dialogue and the narrative is the level of censorship we all place on our words when when we share with others. Mind you, my POVs are aware there's a reader, assuming so anyway, so they do spin events to their goals and do occasionally lie. Sometimes they're purposefully entertaining you to fit their agenda. So, in review, if a character's humor is snide and cynical and tends toward sexist jokes, the narrative is always the funnest part with only a more refined version hitting the dialogue.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]


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#writing #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon #writers

#ScribesAndMakers 2503.20 — Do you like graffiti? Do you have an example?

Yes. When it's not lifeless scrawl little better than dogs peeing to mark their territory, yes. Love it. It is one of the most dynamic ephemeral art forms today. A real fan of Banksy. I'm always photographing good examples when I find it. I even created some for a cover art for a story that had "Gangsters" in the title.

The second image is tall buildings downtown LA that ran out of money. It's orthographically interesting if not only a strange marker of our societal decay.

The first image is some of the wall art they may be on purpose, or encouraged. Tap #altText for more.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]

#BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool

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#PennedPossibilities 620 — What have you enjoyed about writing your antagonist / villain?

Yay: I have an actual villain in Mars Needed Women.

Boo: He's actually a hypermasculine wannabe rapist (failed with the MC), a hypocritical religious patriarch, and has just gotten the last Decath minister on Mars to reinterpret scripture to let men marry more than one wife because of a population imbalance.

I hate this motherf'er, and so far I've only enjoyed hurting him. He consistently underestimates women. In a few days, I'll write and post the chapter where May Ri sees him die about as spectacularly as possible, with maximum fireworks. Frankly, it's too good for him considering the suffering he meted out to the women he's had power over! Sad because he'll take 70 people with him into oblivion.

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]


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#RSstory #RSMarsNeededWomen

Continued thread

2503.20 — Shelter #Writever #Mars #SpaceOpera

"Ow!" May Ri cried, tightening a screw under the maker, startled into hitting her head.

"Sorry," Reina said, "It's important! Mother won't send the cargoon, but the nisei need to flee Elysium. Their mothers are in danger and are insisting on shelter."

Taking multiple wives— The Decath patriots were implementing it literally with a mass wedding vid-downlink. They'd announced they'd confiscate by force any vehicles landing at their docks.

Mari, squatting beside the spidery device, said, "We women are better prepared than the imports think." Mari, now 17, had implemented universal suit training, secretly in some places.

Reina stood listening, nodding, while gently shaking her little infant son Joyous. He was ebony-skinned like Adrian, not the crème shade of Felice, who seemed to take after Carlos. The nisei hadn't objected to multiple wives; no, they'd reinterpreted. Reina, the Escalante Dome manager and Onēsanue, approved the plan and started pinging women.

With one Martian time zone, 2 am was early morning local, with bright green skies. The cargoon settled into shadows cast by a rocky black crater wall, rotors at idle. Mari in an exoskeleton, a medic, and an assistant jumped to the red sands, having made suit-comm contact with refugees half a kim outside the docks. Suited up in the cockpit with the pilot, May Ri lowered her binocs to point, saying, "There!" Mars green suits. Adults, kids, infants in rescue balloons. Relieved, she added, "According to plan. 10 o'clock."

"Ack!" Mari replied.

Movement caught her eye. She panned left, scanning upslope. Focused. Made no sense: Two men holding bent sticks vertically? Horizontal sticks? "Arrows!" she shouted. "They've got long bows! Your 8—"

They fired.

Mari screamed.

Pointing furiously, May Ri yelled at the pilot, "Get them!"

"With what?"

She shoved the throttle forward.

The pilot lunged, getting them airborne, stating, "No weapons."

"He shot my daughter! Run him over!" May Ri had resisted letting makers make weapons. Long bows! Good idea, she admitted.


"Do it!"

The helieo pitched forward, banked left. With the thin air, them shooting sunward, the men didn't immediately notice.

"Lower! Lower!"

When the pilot flinched, she clapped a gloved hand over his. The bowman ought have dived aside, but she heard a thump. Front hyper nacelle. The second man scrambled to a rock outcropping. Collision avoidance braked them, lifted them. The pilot spun them around, looking. "Where is he?" the nisei cried.

"Mari?" Her skin cooled. "Anyone see him?"

Not Mari: "Pulling himself up on your running board."

"Pitch us!" May Ri cried.

The helieo waggled. Then: "He's up!"

And could climb into the cabin!

She rushed rearward, heart racing, stomach clenching. She had no time to don the exoskeleton. In cross-section, the cargoon was }O{ shaped, the upper a VTOL and rotor downdraft shield, the lower landing skids. Handholds, yes, but not easy to shift as the helieo waggled and pitched. A hammer slid and clanked a bulkhead. She grabbed it. The spring doors, timered open, could be opened from the outside. With Mari down, the man could fight the refugees boarding, or would fight her if inside.


"Three meters to the door."

Handholds at the door. Ok. Swing out? Hit a hand? Snow his visor?

"He's close!"

Fist tight on the hammer, the other grasping the hatch bar, she braced a foot and made like a flag as the wind changed. She swung the hammer.

They belly-whomped.

Caught him reaching.

Tall, his arm warded her attack, but kept him from grappling her. She swung again, the hammer grazing his suit. She kneed him and curved the trajectory up at the visor at the same time; the weak hit barely left a white dent. As he jerked away, she kicked his chin, then swung for his other hand.

He jerked it back—letting go.

"Pitch us!"

The ship slammed her into metal, then flung them both. She cried as her wrist wrenched. The downdraft caught him, swatted him down like a toy to the rocks.

Bruised, despite the suit, wrist screaming, shoulder sprained, she swung back in. They boarded the refugees. The medic treated the arrow in Mari's right arm, cutting open the suit in the pressurized cabin.

May Ri hovered, despite the blood, despite the women, some crying.

Mari growled. "Momie!"

Back in the cockpit, she mused she'd get charged with two more murders. Reaching for her book plate, she punched in ¡PanDORA! backwards, thumbed the screen in three spots, and released her software lock on the maker base system she'd designed. It could now make Martian weapons.

They had opened the box, not her. She hoped not to regret her actions, like the mythical woman.

#RSMarsNeededWomen 20

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]


#WordWeavers 03/20/25 - If you could never sell books, but could still share them with readers, would you continue writing? Why?

I'd still continue writing. I want to share my stories/characters with others. Stories have helped me get through rough times in my life and I hope mine could do the same for others.

Continued thread

2503.23 19/ — Intersectional #Writever #Mars #SpaceOpera CW: Crude Language

"No! Worse," Raymond answered, "May Ri was an animal in constant heat! If I didn't satiate her, I'd get clawed—sometimes she'd claw me anyway. I should never have walked away from her! Look at this scar...!"

That was in answer to Randy's question, after he'd found May Ri chatting with her first lover, over a 13m light delay, however inadvertent it was. Stepping in front of her with a kiss, he'd asked, "Was she always so athletic and insanely inventive in bed?"

Boy talk...! Over the still-up little-used open deep space network.

Crosstalk was how Princess May Ri of Mars and her Five Daughters, formerly a Mars kidnapping sensation, earned her title (it wasn't her friendship with the Onēsanue) and her second infamy. The two men and her reminiscing inspired Raymond to scan and send his entire uncensored paper library over the open network during idle time, which led to how May Ri arranged the first Lunatic trade transit to Mars, in order to deliver a cargo of refined asteroid metal and martian machinery to Earth space.

May Ri sat hands steepled across her mouth touching her nose, watching the vid, barely breathing. A telepresence of a dozen nisei women representatives joined with five Directors (which made a quorum including Īto), together with the hispanic male Captain of the Pride of Selene from his stateroom office desk. A stylized pale white and grey full moon hung behind him.

Animated red, green, and grey sprites chased one another in a Mars globe outline.



After multiple hop light transit times of 4m 40s Mars-Earth-Lunar Republic, decrypting multiple keys, fortunes in E currency bouncing back and forth...

Document icons turned green. They opened. Most were E-signed Princess May Ri on Behalf of Nisei Mars.

May Ri thought, Couldn't I have been the face of Mars for my engineering contributions? Noooo. She asked, "What's it mean? It's done? Do I have to sign anything else?"

"The banks and creditors signed off," the captain acknowledged, giving a quick salute. "Consider this our final handshake. Now, I take my cargo to its new owners."

Secretary Īto explained, "We've officially bought the debt and remaining assets of EM Mars Corp. As agreed, I move to vote to dissolve the corporation—"

One of the hundreds of lurker sprites bloomed into a new male face on the vid. He was a sixth Director—accompanied seconds later by two others, and Former Director Ezekiel Stan, manager of Elysium. He shouted, "Not so fast! Per our charter, and the Decath codicils, I dispute that you have a majority of the population to move to vote..." He meant male population, despite the nisei outnumbering the imported men.

The trade ship captain said, "We break orbit in 32 minutes. Enjoy your freedom." His link faded out.

Three days later, she received notice that the City of Chicago PD had a warrant out for her arrest for 1st degree Murder and Infanticide by Abortion and 79 counts of Illegal Sexual Activity by an Unmarried Woman, cc'd to all the Directors of EM Mars Corp. She tried pinging Raymond but got an incorrect address error. A memo promulgated by the new Elysium Consortium of Domes (ECD) suggested she be stoned to death.

A month later, May Ri killed a man with an exoskeleton gauntlet†. He had beaten his wife half to death and was caught while kidnapping his daughter (now 13) whom he had never visited. The witnesses, the mother and daughter, insisted it was self-defense and accidental. Elysium issued a warrant for the Aggravated Assault and Murder committed upon their dome citizen.

Five days before the Pride of Selene entered lunar orbit, a cargo vessel at the International Earth Docks was hastily reflagged with the blue-white-red registration of the North American Decath States (NADS) and loaded secretly. Two days later, it fired missiles on the Lunar Republic Orbital, destroying their patrol ship tug and damaging their search and rescue shuttle. NADS announced it was annexing the "breakaway" state. The Pride of Selene declared it piracy when later boarded.

The Decath minister on Deimosbase agreed to an ECD request granting, per his interpretation of scripture with due consideration to the diminished population of men on Mars, that men be allowed and encouraged to take multiple wives. Alarmingly, the remaining starship shuttle in Mars space (two were deployed on asteroid mining missions), was rebased to Elysium Township, in compensation for never receiving a monorail connection or makers to build spinlaunchers—restricting human orbital access to the Decath domes. #RSMarsNeededWomen 19

#Writever 2503.02 Rights Prologue

[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]


Eldritch CaféRS, Author, Novelist, Prosaist (> 2503.02 — Rights #Writever CW: Fictional Violence ## Prologue May Ri clanged the arm of the mining exoskeleton into the wall of the habitat, drawing sparks, blocking the onrushing man, cutting him off when he tried to dodge under—before flipping him backwards back down the corridor. Blood gushed from his nose to match what stained his hands. "I have the right!" he yelled, arm across his face to stem the flow. "She's my wife!" May Ri's footsteps clanged as she stomped forward. He slid himself back on the floor as the other women in the Vigilantes caught up. They'd used the ugly word, *Vigilante,* intentionally; women weren't allowed but needed to police their domes, or risk injury from stronger men who suddenly got *ideas.* She said, "Your wife is an import, like me? You left her to give birth alone, to raise her daughter, and now you want to take that daughter away? To sell to your boss? Really? Your right?" She looked at the harried women, some breathing hard, sweating. Faces gone pale in fear, others with wide eyes trying to process how cruel reality had once again smashed all sense of security. May Ri understood: if they kept the male returnees from the inner belt disaster locked out of the habitat long enough, they'd have to capitulate. However, if she failed to demonstrate now that the Vigilantes could hold firm when a man broke his wife's arm, beating her to have his way— He yelled back, "Marrying her off to a better life? Yes! Who are you to argue a man's God given right—?" "Really?" she interrupted. Women had never had reliable rights, if you trusted history hadn't been rewritten. She didn't. She'd read books made of paper, yellowed, that smelled of centuries past! Her five kilogram gauntleted hand already in motion, she screamed, "Mars is not Earth! It never will be!" #RSMarsNeededWomen [Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.] #BoostingIsSharing and #CommentingIsCool #gender #fiction #writer #author #sf #sff #sciencefiction #writing #writingcommunity #writersOfMastodon #writers #RSdiscussion #RSstory #mars #microfiction #flashfiction #tootfic #smallstory