Doodled some new box art in Tralee of Scotia, the Egyptian royal from Irish mythology who, while pregnant, fought in a battle and died just outside Tralee - her grave is said to be marked by a large stone in Scotia's Glen. There is also a belief that she is linked to the name of Scotland, through her descendants. Thanks @nonfaction for coordinating!
@Ciaraioch *what???*
@Ciaraioch @nonfaction Get the Egyptian embassy to boost this! Would do good numbers for the weekend that’s in it!
@Ciaraioch looks great !
@nonfaction Thanks Keith! Will fix Peig once it gets a little warmer
@Ciaraioch @nonfaction
Scotia is a Latin placename derived from Scoti, a Latin name for the Gaels,[1] first attested in the late 3rd century.[1] The Romans referred to Ireland as "Scotia" around 500 A.D. From the 9th century on, its meaning gradually shifted, so that it came to mean only the part of Britain lying north of the Firth of Forth: the Kingdom of Scotland.[1
@Ciaraioch @nonfaction i love the Ogham (though i can't read it); it's perfect for these modern stones of paint and metal, waymarkers for unseen paths carrying data. [edit: read the Ogham with a wikipedia :)]
@drj It's in the alt text for these ones!
@Ciaraioch hah! Of course! Beautiful work by the way. :)
@drj You're kind!
@Ciaraioch @nonfaction this looks really cool, thanks!
@dequbed Thank you!
@Ciaraioch This is gorgeous!
@Sylvhem Thanks so much!
@Ciaraioch @nonfaction
Good to see that you're still posting here. You have not completely fecked off to the blue side.
@dec23k I'm floating everywhere except Twitter at this stage, trying to survive Highly recommend not depending on social media for work