Ukrainian Writer Victoria Amelina has died days after she was injured by russian Missile Attack
Since 2022 Victoria had been collaborating with the Ukrainian teams to document russian war crimes and advocate for accountability for the international crimes committed by the russia and its troops on the territory of #Ukraine and other countries.
She was working on a non-fiction project, War and Justice Diary: Looking at Women Looking at War.
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In der #Ukraine sterben jeden Tag unschuldige #Menschen. #Kinder. Unbeteiligte. Benachteiligte alte Menschen, die es gar nicht schaffen zu fliehen. #Journalisten und #Medienschaffende. Restaurantbesucher, Patienten in Kliniken, Zivilisten in ihren Wohnungen. Stoppe diesen #Wahnsinnigen im Kreml wer kann.
@EugeneMcParland Thank you so much for sharing. #Fight with #poetry #poetrycommunity #ukraine