Really REALLY enjoyed Moving Pictures
I think I enjoy the Librarian a lot!
Nexy up on BorrowBox is Lords and Ladies
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords and Ladies
Really really enjoyed Pratchetts Lords and Ladies. It's one of the few that I've been disappointed it ended.
Next up - Feet of Clay coz that's what was available on BorrowBox.
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords and Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
I enjoyed #FeetOfClay even though I thought it was slow going. Maybe it's because I've never heard of a golem before so I'm not sure about the lore etc that goes with them?
The proper non-play of #GuardsGuards has arrived to my #borrowbox so that's up next.
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords and Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
Thoroughly enjoyed #GuardsGuards Was a bit sad it finished. Nothing else was available after it on #BorrowBox except #NannyOggsCookbook which I'm ½ way through. Very funny
#ThiefOfTime just arrived. Onwards!
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords and Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
Finished #ThiefOfTime. Great book. Sad it ended It seemed long but short, definitely there was some time woo-woo going on. Next to arrive to my #BorrowBox app - #TheLastContinent
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords and Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
15: The Last Continent
Thoroughly enjoyed #TheLastContinent. Definitely 1 for the re-read pile. All are really Plenty of time for that. Next up in my #BorrowBox is #TheTruth
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords & Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
15: The Last Continent
16: The Truth
#TerryPratchett #Pratchett #Discworld
Finished #TheTruth. It won't be fighting for the top of the pile on the re-read stack. It will be there, just not at the top. Next up #CarpeJugulum
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords & Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
15: The Last Continent
16: The Truth
17: Carpe Jugulum
#TerryPratchett #Pratchett #Discworld
Carpe Jugulum was brilliant! One of my favourites so far.
Next up is Soul Music. I'll start that tonight
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords & Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
15: The Last Continent
16: The Truth
17: Carpe Jugulum
18: Soul Music
#TerryPratchett #Pratchett #Discworld #SoulMusic #CarpeJugulum
Finished Soul Music last night. I reckon I missed a whole load of stuff but I enjoyed it.
I Shall Wear Midnight arrived at midnight so I jumped straight in.
Is it a children's book?
(Reading order )
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords & Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
15: The Last Continent
16: The Truth
17: Carpe Jugulum
18: Soul Music
19: I Shall Wear Midnight
I actually really enjoyed #IShallWearMidnight. I'm glad I kept going after asking on here if it was a children's book. Next to arrive to my #BorrowBox for tonight is Making Money
(Reading order )
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords & Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
15: The Last Continent
16: The Truth
17: Carpe Jugulum
18: Soul Music
19: I Shall Wear Midnight
20: MakingMoney
Finally finished #MakingMoney. I enjoyed it except for.. why did his name have to be Moist
What's the craic with seat 7 at the Pink Pussycst Club at the end?
I'm reading them as I doze off so I may have missed something
Next up - #NightWatch
(Reading order )
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
15: The Last Continent
16: The Truth
17: Carpe Jugulum
18: Soul Music
19: I Shall Wear Midnight
20: MakingMoney
21: Night Watch
Finished #NightWatch last night. I don't think I've ever taken that long to read one of those books. It was ... ok. Maybe it was just me being out of sorts it'll be reread eventually.
Onto the next: #UnseenAcademicals
(Reading order )
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
15: The Last Continent
16: The Truth
17: Carpe Jugulum
18: Soul Music
19: I Shall Wear Midnight
20: MakingMoney
21: Night Watch
22: Unseen Academicals
@Cbfoley Interesting. Night Watch is many people's favourite.