My regular rewatch of The Matrix has just concluded, and I need to tell you that sewing has ruined me! (again)
Now I can't unsee that all suit jackets in the movie have yellow linings (unusual!) and that includes the suit jacket Neo wears during his day in the office.
I don't know if there's any symbolic meaning to this, but it sure looks great.
@jjcelery maybe I need to finally watch it one of those days
@amberage if only for the outfits!
@jjcelery Begin Transmission: The Trans Allegories of the Matrix by Tilly Bridges has some lovely discussions of potential colour representations within the film
@Affienia delightful! It's been on my to read list for a while, I'll bump it up, thanks!
@jjcelery A lot of (if not all of) the film was shot in Australia, iirc. Maybe Aus fashion at the time has something to do with it?