I'd heard about the surprising alignment between some #yoga groups and #RightWing #conspiracism before. This article lays out a number of plausible theories as to why and how members of such groups become susceptible to such thinking. Conformity, dissatisfaction with the limitations of medical/scientific solutions/explanations, the collapse of traditional religion – all feeding into to the very human need of wishing to belong and/or assert a collective identity.
@mnutty @klillington
If you think chakras are a real thing, why not believe in the "deep state?"
One is likely a lot less dangerous than the other, however these chakra folks seem particularly vulnerable to #RightWing exploitation. Seems to me that it is important to have an organized counter narrative.
As a happy #atheist, a believer in the virtue of the #ScientificMethod, this kind of stuff frustrates me while also recognizing that the rationalist community is not very good at countering this kind of narrative and giving a more hopeful message