Prepare yourself, because once more #ThePlaylist has wrought its havoc across the airwaves, and the result has been captured for your 'enjoyment'.
The theme this week was:
Share it far, and share it wide.
@labr // // Monday 2000-2200 GMT
And here are this week's Flat Stanleys. May their contributions to public happiness not go unheeded.
Jamie Heels
As ever, @Troggie has been splendid and collected all of the tracks played on this week's #ThePlaylist into neat, well, playlists.
Thank you, @Troggie!
Apple Music -
Spotify -
NEXT WEEK ON #ThePlaylist
I was reminded of a band that I used to love, who I assumed would go stratospheric, only for them to, well, not. So with that in mind, next week's theme is:
They coulda been a contender
Fling your also-rans at me. Your one-hit wonders who had whole albums worth of quality tunes, but who were cruelly ignored by the pop-picking-people. Use the tag #ThePlaylistSuggestion to ensure I can find it.
@labr // // Monday 2000-2200 GMT
@DJDarren I feel like, on the basis of these songs, the artists below all deserved to be much bigger and longer lasting than they were.
Big Country, In a Big Country
The Blessing, Highway 5
Tasmin Archer, Sleeping Satellite
Lush, Ladykillers
ETA: I really wanted to include the Northern Irish artist Ken Haddock. His “The Sweetest Hour” album is the best end of a drunken night in a pub purchase I’ve ever made. But I can’t find it anywhere online.