Guilty as charged.
But you know what I’m not guilty of?
I’m not guilty of spraying the #poison #glyphosate on to any part of this #planet and into the bodies of practically every living creature.
How about you?
Basic bee facts every day at 3pm.
# 321
A recent Finnish study which exposed #bumblebees to field realistic doses of the #glyphosate based #herbicide Roundup found that the bumblebees' fine-color discrimination & long-term memory were significantly impaired.
@thebeeguy I spent nearly a decade trying to persuade our estate management to stop using RoundUp. They ignored all the evidence, tried to prove the opposite, until the council banned it. But they won't use steam either and I think some substitute which isn't sound either is creeping back.
@thebeeguy i was kind of expecting the bee in the video to return to the flower and start testing the same florets again, but i guess this isn't a laughing matter so nevermind.