From now on, if anyone refers to "the twin cities" I will assume they are talking about Budapest.
Also, "the tri-state area" is the island of Great Britain (i.e. Wales, Scotland, and England).
That is all.
@cstross I thought it was either London (city and city of) or Dublin and Baile Átha Cliath (which were in fact two different towns initially) but ok...
@Antiqueight @cstross City of London and City of Westminster
@bellinghman @cstross Isn't there a "London city" and a "City of London"?
@Antiqueight @cstross The airport and the financial zone? Yes
What amuses me is how the City of London is a fraction of the size of the City of Westminster
@bellinghman @cstross teeny tiny.... postage stamp sized city.