An Gorta Mór was a military, political and social construct - a tinder box created by 250 years of domination by the Crown.
Plenty of evidence that it was a happy coincidence for many who benefitted financially, or saw it as 'God's judgement' on the Irish.
We are the only country in the world with a population that is lower now than it was in 1850.
#AnGortaMór #TheGreatHuger #Ireland
@DerekHolly7 the Highland clearances had a similar effect
@JohnLoader6 @DerekHolly7 The famine also hit the Highlands too, the only difference being that (ordinary people in) lowland Scotland was able to send some relief (while food was still being exported south similarly to in Ireland). Subsequently "relief" was used by landlords as an excuse for clearance.
@DerekHolly7 An drochshaol. Níorbh ann don ghorta mór.