I would absolutely love to see speed limit reductions but without enforcement it's useless
I get the bus regularly at a stop in a 50km/h zone through a village and the excess speed is crazy, early morning, afternoon, evening is worrying.
@spillanemike there's a sign that shows the speed of cars where I walk in a 30kph zone. I'd say 1 in 20 aren't at least 10kph over the limit
@spillanemike also speaking of the pure #IrishPolitics this is absolute poison and won't win the greens any friends. When the current laws if enforced would make a massive change.
@SimonB yup, the article mentions a bit of everything, review of limits, fixing dangerous sections of road and enforcement. If I had my way all those speed signs would be cameras. Those accident black spot signs are an embarrassment, fix it!