Really REALLY enjoyed Moving Pictures
I think I enjoy the Librarian a lot!
Nexy up on BorrowBox is Lords and Ladies
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords and Ladies
Really really enjoyed Pratchetts Lords and Ladies. It's one of the few that I've been disappointed it ended.
Next up - Feet of Clay coz that's what was available on BorrowBox.
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords and Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
I enjoyed #FeetOfClay even though I thought it was slow going. Maybe it's because I've never heard of a golem before so I'm not sure about the lore etc that goes with them?
The proper non-play of #GuardsGuards has arrived to my #borrowbox so that's up next.
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords and Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
Thoroughly enjoyed #GuardsGuards Was a bit sad it finished. Nothing else was available after it on #BorrowBox except #NannyOggsCookbook which I'm ½ way through. Very funny
#ThiefOfTime just arrived. Onwards!
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords and Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
Finished #ThiefOfTime. Great book. Sad it ended It seemed long but short, definitely there was some time woo-woo going on. Next to arrive to my #BorrowBox app - #TheLastContinent
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords and Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
15: The Last Continent
Thoroughly enjoyed #TheLastContinent. Definitely 1 for the re-read pile. All are really Plenty of time for that. Next up in my #BorrowBox is #TheTruth
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords & Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
15: The Last Continent
16: The Truth
#TerryPratchett #Pratchett #Discworld
Finished #TheTruth. It won't be fighting for the top of the pile on the re-read stack. It will be there, just not at the top. Next up #CarpeJugulum
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords & Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
15: The Last Continent
16: The Truth
17: Carpe Jugulum
#TerryPratchett #Pratchett #Discworld
Carpe Jugulum was brilliant! One of my favourites so far.
Next up is Soul Music. I'll start that tonight
1: Sourcery
2: Wyrd Sisters
3: Guards Guards (play) ️
4: The Light Fantastic
5: Mort
6: Reaper Man
7: Equal Rites
8: Men at Arms
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords & Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
15: The Last Continent
16: The Truth
17: Carpe Jugulum
18: Soul Music
#TerryPratchett #Pratchett #Discworld #SoulMusic #CarpeJugulum
Finished Soul Music last night. I reckon I missed a whole load of stuff but I enjoyed it.
I Shall Wear Midnight arrived at midnight so I jumped straight in.
Is it a children's book?
(Reading order )
9: Moving Pictures
10: Lords & Ladies
11: Feet of Clay
12: Guards! Guards!
13: Nanny Ogg's Cookbook (½)
14: Thief of Time
15: The Last Continent
16: The Truth
17: Carpe Jugulum
18: Soul Music
19: I Shall Wear Midnight
@Cbfoley I would say the first book in the Tiffany series (Wee Free Men) is a children's book, then they grew with the audience. I Shall Wear Midnight is at the very least advanced YA.